
Your love has wearied and saddened me,

لقد سامني هونا وخسفا هواكم

1. Your love has wearied and saddened me,
Though the proud are hardly wont to pine.

١. لقد سَامَنِي هُوْناً وخَسْفاً هَوَاكُمُ
ولا غَرْوَ عِزُّ الصَّبِّ أَنْ يَتَعَبَّدَا

2. If you seek to torment and destroy a life,
You need but turn to Sulaima or Mahdada.

٢. إِذا شِئْتَ تنكيلاً وتَنْكِيْدَ عِيشةٍ
فَحَسْبُكَ أَنْ تَهْوَى سُلَيْمَى ومَهْدَدَا

3. Yet if you wish blessing and happy success,
You need but meet Ibn Ma’n or Muhammad.

٣. وإنْ تَبْغِ إِحساناً وإحمادَ مَقْصَدٍ
فَحَسْبُكَ أَنْ تَلْقَى ابنَ مَعْنٍ مُحَمَّدَا

4. Gentle he is, though gentleness has failed;
If wrath like fire inflamed him, he would give no vent.

٤. حليمٌ وقد خَفَّتْ حُلُوْمٌ فلو سَرَى
بِعُنْصُرِ نارٍ حِلْمُهُ ما تَصَعَّدَا

5. Open-handed; if the flood of his bounty broke forth,
Strife would give way to concord amongst mankind forever.

٥. جَوَادٌ لَوَانَّ الجُوْدَ بارَى يَمِيْنَهُ
لَكَانَ قرارُ الحربِ في الناسِ سَرْمَدَا

6. Wise; if his wisdom equaled the sun,
Thirst would never find the water's trace.

٦. ذَكِيٌّ لَوَ أنَّ الشَّمْسَ تَحْوِي ذكاءه
لَمَا وَجَدَ الظَّمْآنُ للماءِ مَوْرِدا

7. If the temper of his mind matched the Indian steel,
David had not fashioned his coat of mail unpierced.

٧. ولو في الحِدادِ البِيْضِ حِدَّةُ ذِهْنِهِ
لَمَا صَاغَ داودُ الدِّلاَصَ المُسَرَّدَا