1. I guarded my beloved's name, and made it my habit not to name him,
Yet I still allude to him indirectly with my riddles,
١. صُنْتُ اسمَ إلْفِي فَدَأْباً لا أُسَمِّيْهِ
ولا أزالُ بإلغازِي أُعَمِّيْهِ
2. And my companion's number, I hinted at with
The mention of numbers contained in its digits,
٢. وصاحبِي عَدَدِيٌّ قد رَمَزْتٌ به
بِذِكْرِ أعدادِ ما تَحْوِي مَبَانِيْهِ
3. So the root of the first is a quarter of its last,
And the root of its last is a quarter of its second,
٣. فَجّذْرُ أَوَّلِهِ رُبْعٌ لآخِرِهِ
وجَذْرُ آخِرِهِ رُبْعٌ لِثَانِيْهِ
4. And its second is a fifth of its third,
So understand, for its hidden meaning has become clear.
٤. وإنَّ ثَانِيّةُ خُمْسٌ لِثَالِثِهِ
فافهَمْ فقد لاَحَ للأفهام خَافِيْهِ