
In the year six hundred and ten

في عام عشرة وست مئة

1. In the year six hundred and ten
They came to the West from the wilderness

١. في عام عَشرةٍ وَستّ مِئة
أَتوا إِلى الغَرب مِن البَرّيّة

2. They came from the desert and wilderness
On the backs of horses and camels

٢. جاؤوا مِنَ الصَحراء وَالسَباسب
عَلى ظُهور الخَيل وَالنَجائب

3. Like those who entered previously veiled
Before that while they were aiming for it

٣. كَمثل ما قَد دَخل الملثّمون
مِن قَبل ذا وَهُم لَهُ مُيمّمُون