1. He was consumed by passion when denied his desire
A lover made more ardent by the one who inflamed his passion
١. باح وجداً بهواه
حين لم يعط مناه
2. His body grew emaciated from lovesickness
Had he wished to hide it from the eyes, his emaciation would have revealed it
٢. مغرم أغرى به السق
م فما يرجى شفاه
3. Blessed be Al-Rasheed, my master
The people were pleased with his rule
٣. كاد يخفيه نحول ال
جسم حتى لا تراه
4. May God make his enemies
Suffer evil instead of him
٤. لو ضنا يخفى عن العي
ن لأخفاه ضناه
5. He was certain that wealth lies
In spreading his riches
٥. حبذا الرسي مولى
رضي الناس ولاه
6. He climbed high until he reached
The pinnacle with his ascent
٦. جعل الله أعادي
ه من السوء فداه
7. But missed attaining the heights
Of glory and greatness
٧. فلقد أيقن بالثر
وة من حل ذراه
8. He has reigned with authority
And protected his subjects
٨. من رقى حتى تناهى
في المعالي مرتقاه
9. An ocean of generosity, unknown
Where his limits lie
٩. فات أن يبلغ في السؤ
ددوالمجد مداه
10. He did not fail, like Abraham
To have hope in people
١٠. ملك مذ كان بالسط
وةممنوع حماه
11. Time does not change one
Who withstands if time hardens
١١. بحر جود ليس يدري
أين منه منهاه
12. He sufficed against the woes
Of days and fate protected him
١٢. لم يضع من كان إبرا
هيم في الناس رجاه
13. How can I not praise one whose
Character lacked no virtues
١٣. لا ولا يفرق من صر
ف زمن إن عره
١٤. من به استكفى أذى الأي
ام والدهر كفاه
١٥. كيف لا أمدح من لم
يخل خلق من نداه