1. We have heard his words and his apology,
And we told him of his fault and disgrace,
١. قد سمعنا مقاله واعتذاره
وأقلناه ذنبه وعثاره
2. Though the meanings were for she whom I meant,
Through you I have presented, so listen, O neighbor:
٢. والمعاني لمن عنيت ولكن
بك عرضت فاسمعي يا جاره
3. That he always unveils his secrets,
You will find him loosening his buttons,
٣. من مراديه أنه أبد الده
ر تراه محللاً أزراره
4. Knowing that it is a punishment from God,
Permissible for peering eyes to see,
٤. عالم أنه عذاب من الل
ه مباح لأعين النظارة
5. God exposed his cover, so for you was exposed,
One who covers his curtains,
٥. هتك الله ستره فلكم هت
ك من ذي تستر أستاره
6. His glances enchanted me, as well as
Every handsome glance is enchanting,
٦. سحرتني ألحاظه وكذا ك
ل مليح لحاظه سحاره
7. And it is not upon the one who prefers distance and aversion,
If he had chosen consent and visitation,
٧. وما على مؤثر التباعد والإع
راض لو آثر الرضى والزياره
8. And that even though he has been hurt,
By separation, preferring his avoidance,
٨. وعلى أنني وإن كان قد عذ
ب بالهجر مؤثر إيثاره
9. I have not ceased, missing him,
To yearn for his nearness, though he refuses intimacy
٩. لم أزل لا عدمته من حبيب
أشتهي قربه وآبى نفاره
10. He has left no enemy in all the land,
Without extinguishing their fire,
١٠. لم يدع للعزيز في سائر الأر
ض عدواً إلا وأخمد ناره
11. For this he was chosen above all others,
And selected for Himself and preferred,
١١. فلهذا اجتباه دون سواه
واصطفاه لنفسه واختاره
12. No ministry was established with glory for him,
Without it being said he raised its prestige,
١٢. لم تشيد له الوزارة مجداً
لا ولا قيل رفعت مقداره
13. Rather he clothed it, though corroded by time,
With majesty, radiance and youth,
١٣. بل كساها وقد تخرمها الده
ر جلالاً وبهجةً ونضاره
14. Every day he has raids upon the enemies,
And cave dwellings with open-handed giving,
١٤. كل يوم له علىنوب الده
ر وكر الخطوب بالبذل غاره
15. With a hand whose nature is to flee stinginess,
And in the heat of battle, its caverns,
١٥. ذو يد شأنها الفرار من البخ
ل وفي حومة الوغى كراره
16. It slipped away from the dear one's enemies,
With gifts, and his supporters multiplied,
١٦. هي فلت عن العزيز عداه
بالعطايا وكثرت أنصاره
17. Thus every noble person’s hand
Strikes and sacrifices the harm of his troubles,
١٧. هكذا كل فاضل يده تم
سي وتضحي نفاعة ضراره
18. So employ him, for none feels safe,
Except those who take refuge in his shade and protection,
١٨. فاستجره فليس يأمن إلا
من تفيا بظله واستجاره
19. And when you see him pensive, working
On what his thoughts desire,
١٩. فإذا ما رأيته مطرقاً يع
مل فيما يريده أفكاره
20. He leaves nothing in the unseen's conscience,
That he does not illuminate with his intellect,
٢٠. لم يدع بالذكاء والذهن شيئاً
في ضمير الغيوب إلا أناره
21. Nor any place on earth,
That he does not comprehend its reaches through reason,
٢١. لا ولا موضعاً من الأرض إلا
كان بالرأي مدركاً أقطاره
22. May God increase his breadth and suffice him,
Fear for his time and caution,
٢٢. زاده الله بسطة وكفاه
خوفه من زمانه وحذاره