
I stood where the highlands could see you

وقفت بحيث تلحظك العوالي

1. I stood where the highlands could see you
While your passions leaned towards their springs

١. وقفت بحيث تلحظك العوالي
وهنّ الى مواردها هيام

2. And nothing remained of the warriors
Except your brother, your sharp sword

٢. ولم يثبت من الأشياع إلا
شقيقك وهو صارمك الحسام

3. My right hand holds fast the past, my right
So I fear not the fickle nor the wavering

٣. يمان في يدي ماض يمان
فلا نابي الغرار ولا كهام

4. Your whim did not sway you, but a heart
Accustomed to plunging into the fray

٤. ولم يحملك طرفك بل فؤاد
تعوّد أن يخاض به الحمام

5. Hold fast with the steadiness of the pole when
The turns of fate seek what cannot be turned

٥. ثبتّ به ثبات القطب لمّا
أدار رحاه خطب لا يرام

6. And your custom is food, so if they lead
Your steed astray with slander, blame it not

٦. وعادتك الطعام فإن يخرّوا
جوادك بالطعان فما يلام

7. Each veteran of war called for war
Leaving behind him the order of calm

٧. دعا للحرب كل سليل حرب
يخلِّفه عن الهيجا نظام

8. His flesh perspired and his skin turned green
Then he leapt up, sword in hand, as sword

٨. تعرّق لحمه واخضرّ جلداً
فهبّ مع الحسام به حسام

9. He came in the darkness of the desert in hue
But his separated lock remained dishevelled

٩. وجاء بعَظْلمِ الصحراء لوناً
ولكن ثبْتُ مفرقه ثغام

10. The spear did not bend what they rammed it into
And beneath sleep, a relentless valor slept

١٠. فلم يثن القنا ما بيّتوه
وتحت النّوم بأس لا ينام

11. They went resolutely to their task at dawn
And it revolved, by the pact they concluded, constantly

١١. مضوا في أمرهم سحراً ودارت
بما عقدوا من الحلف المدام

12. They parried it with white blades
And regret assaulted the assailant in his exchange

١٢. فردّوها على الشّفرات بيضاً
وحدّد في تعاطيها النّدام

13. But it was not the swords that took them
Rather, lightnings that no coats of mail can withstand

١٣. وما أخذتهم الأسياف لكن
صواعق لا يبوح لها ضرام

14. Whenever a flash flashed upon them
The drops were bones and blood

١٤. إذا ما برقة برقت عليهم
فإن القطر أعضاد وهام

15. The women and the men will ask you
So speak of what lies behind you, O determined one

١٥. ستسألك النّساء ولا رجال
فحدّث ما وراءك يا عصام

16. And watch over them in your land, rising
As its lightnings are guided by the clouds

١٦. وراقبها بأرضك طالعات
كما يهدي صواعقها الغمام

17. Steeds from which triumph is reaped
And which scatter in their race grounds the ostriches

١٧. جياد تستفيد الفتح منها
ويفرق في مسارحه النّعام

18. You pitched at the tumult a market, so take it
With rivalry, and make light of what is arduous

١٨. أقمت لدى الوغى سوقاً فخذها
مناجزة وهوّن ما تسام

19. If you wish for the refined, then here is the lofty
And if you wish for the spectator, then here is the protector

١٩. فإن شئت اللجين فثم سام
وإن شئت النظار فثمّ حام

20. After it the oppressors will worship what
Has been made legitimate next to it in concealment

٢٠. سيعبد بعدها الظلماء لما
أبيح له بجانبها اكتتام

21. He girded his forearms and donned the night,
Wishing it were a long year

٢١. نضا أدراعه واجتاب ليلاً
يودّ لو انّه في الطول عام

22. Not because the blades have been bared
But from the raging in his conscience

٢٢. وليس لو انّ الأيم السلاح
ولكن في ضمائره احتدام