
If Ibn al-Husayn's poetry overflows abundantly,

لئن جاد شعر ابن الحسين فإنما

1. If Ibn al-Husayn's poetry overflows abundantly,
Then it is because your gifts and charms unlock inspiration.

١. لئن جاد شعرُ ابن الحُسين فإنما
تُجيد العطايا واللُّهي تفتح اللَّهَا

2. He would be amazed at his own poems, if only he knew
That it is you who inspires them, else they'd not exist.

٢. تَنَّبأ عُجباً بالقريض ولو دَرَى
بأنّك تَرويه إذا لتألَّها