
Death's advance preceded; nothing lasts forever

سبق الفناء فما يدوم بقاء

1. Death's advance preceded; nothing lasts forever
The stars perish and the shining moons collapse

١. سَبَق الفناءُ فما يدومُ بقاءُ
تفنى النجومُ وتسقطُ البيضاءُ

2. My soul and senses - were I to describe them together
A structure dissolves and a rugged mountain crumbles

٢. نفسي وحسّي إن وصفتهما معاً
آلٌ يذوبُ وصخرةٌ خلقاءُ

3. If the mountains knew their fate in the end
With knowledge, they would not have stood firm

٣. لو تعلمُ الأجبالُ كيف مآلها
علمي لما امتسكت لها أرجاء

4. We know what is intended for us, so why
Did not hearts awaken and passions overcome?

٤. إنا لنعلمُ ما يراد بنا فلم
تعيا القلوبُ وتُغلَب الأهواء

5. The specter of death in the ways of wishes
And diseases on the path of health

٥. طيفُ المنايا في أساليب المنى
وعلى طريق الصّحة الأدواء

6. Through alternating opposites, as you can see
Wretched wisdom came over you

٦. بتعاقبِ الأضداد مما قد ترى
جُلِبَت عليك الحكمةُ الشنعاء

7. What can the son of death perceive from his sight
And his encounter - did it make the sons wiser?

٧. ماذا على ابنِ الموت من إبصاره
ولقائِهِ هل عَقَّتِ الأبناء

8. Does it make me proud that life's span prolonged for me
While my father passed where dust gathers?

٨. أيغرُّني أن يستطيل بيَ المدى
وأبي بحيثُ تواصتِ الغبراء

9. Man would not have denied what is fixed
In his nature had opinions been sound

٩. لم ينكرُ الإنسانُ ما هو ثابتٌ
في طَبعِهِ لو صحَّتِ الآراء

10. And akin to a man's death after his life
Is that his body parts become equal

١٠. ونظيرُ موتِ المرء بعد حياته
أن تستوي مِن جنسه الأعضاء

11. A lowlife who weeps for the healthy while
Our dead - if only the living were aware!

١١. دنِفٌ يبكِّي للصحيح وإنما
أمواتُنا لو تشعرُ الأحياء

12. It is the same whether radiance fades from vision
Or features are wiped where first down sprouted

١٢. وسواءٌ أن تجلى اللحاظُ من القذى
أو تنتضَى من شَخصها الحَوباء

13. The soul is but a flame fallen to
Where dust and water took full control

١٣. ما النفسُ إلا شعلةٌ سقطت إلى
حيثُ استقلَّ بها الثرى والماء

14. Until when free, it returns as it began
And freedom is hardship and suffering

١٤. حتى إذا خلصت تعودُ كما بدت
ومن الخلاصِ مشقَّةٌ وعناء

15. The life of man lied at its existence
There was a dove, and from it came the illness

١٥. كذبت حياةُ المرءِ عند وجودها
وُجِدَ الحمامُ ومنه كان الداءُ

16. What spoils did death plunder!
And calamities a sweeping raid!

١٦. لله أيُّ غنيمةٍ غَنِمَ الردى
ومن الفجائع غارةٌ شعواء

17. Who was foolish enough of his kind that
The wilderness in its entirety darkened?

١٧. من كان غُرَّةَ جنسه حتى امحت
فإذا البريّة كلُّها دهماء

18. A mountain crumbled - had its bone stood tall
The dust clouds would have reached the greenery

١٨. جبلٌ تقوَّضَ لو تشخَّصَ عظمه
لتواصتِ الغبراءُ والخضراء

19. And the ugliest thing that disgusted a witness
Is that his structure does not last forever

١٩. ومَغيضُ ما قد غاض منه شاهدٌ
أن لا يدومَ بحالهِ الدأماء

20. I exaggerated news of His Majesty's death, then denied it
And it is the clarity - nothing can conceal it

٢٠. أكبرتُ نَعيَ جلالِهِ فنفيتُهُ
وهو الجليّةُ ما عليه خفاء

21. The son of Jesus died - who dares say
He hopes for him along with the dove?

٢١. مات ابنُ عيسى مَن يقول به عسى
شفقاً وليس مع الحمام رجاء

22. Were there no abundant virtues that
The prominent vouch for?

٢٢. أفلا حَمَتهُ فضائلٌ موفورةٌ
وجلالةٌ تعنو لها العظماء

23. And households in the core of Lakhm long
Served the protection of their rightful lords

٢٣. وأذمَّةٌ في سرِّ لخمٍ طالما
خَدَمَت رعايةَ حقّها الأمراء

24. They paraded the weapon of tears behind his coffin
Since dirges did not appease

٢٤. شهروا سلاحَ الدّمعِ خَلفَ سريرِه
إذ لم يكن للباترات غناء

25. We were refreshed through him, by soveriegnty and ascension
The sun is a star and daylight is evening

٢٥. رُحنا به بل بالسيادةِ والعلا
والشمسُ نجمٌ والنهارُ مساء

26. He trod upon hearts equally in his path
So the journey is slow and stumbling is loyalty

٢٦. نطأ القلوبَ على سواءِ سبيله
فالسيرُ مَهلٌ والعثارُ ولاء

27. Sorrow took its cold revenge on him
From what he harvested of vanity and arrogance

٢٧. أخذَ الأسى فيه البرود بثاره
مما جناهُ الزَّهوُ والخيلاء

28. Until when they took him to his burial ground
We stood over him as though he were a planet

٢٨. حتى إذا بلغوا به ملحودَهُ
قمنا به لو أنَّه الجوزاء

29. Righteousness struck his grave with its right hand
So a spacious valley in Faiha received him

٢٩. ضرب الهدى في لحدِهِ بيمينه
فتناولَتهُ عَرصَةٌ فيحاء

30. And the Recitation shaded him, reciting itself
With a recitation unmatched by reciters

٣٠. وأظلَّه التنزيلُ يتلو نفسه
بتلاوةٍ لم يؤتها القرّاء

31. Bearing his deeds, growing familiar
With blossoms, they and the stars equal

٣١. مستصحباً أعمالَهُ متأنّساً
بزواهرٍ هيَ والنجومُ سواء

32. Perhaps you extracted from us souls
That filled your tomb while chests were empty

٣٢. ولربما استخلصتَ منا أنفساً
ملأت ضريحَك والصدورُ جلاء

33. And there, if the cover was lifted for one who sees
Around the heart is a singing garden

٣٣. وهناك لو كُشِفَ الغطاءُ لناظرٍ
حول القليبِ حديقةٌ غنَّاء

34. In the pit, as it contains your likeness
If it was filled from you while you were concealed from sight

٣٤. في الجبّ إذ يحوي سميَّكَ أسوةٌ
لو حُمَّ منك وقد حُجِبتَ لقاء

35. O soil, preserve his brilliance, and O tilth
Let no heinous crime reach you

٣٥. يا تُربَةُ استبقي سناه ويا فلا
لا تَلحَقَنكَ جريمةٌ شنعاء

36. God in me, and in still moist wings
Enemies did not lack affection

٣٦. الله فيَّ وفي جوانحَ رطبةٍ
لم تخلُ من شفقاتها الأعداء

37. We are his sons, and you are the law through him
And over this loss, we are partners

٣٧. أبنيه نحن وأنتمُ شرعٌ به
وعلى المصابِ بفقدِهِ شركاء

38. Spur your steeds to his heights
For his sons have adorned them with finery

٣٨. هزُّوا قوادمكم إلى عليائه
قد رَشَّحَت أبناءها الفتخاء

39. As for me, I have depicted his visible trace
So therein lies wisdom most precious

٣٩. أمَّا وقد شبهتُ ماثلَ رَسمِهِ
سطرا فثمَّ الحكمة الغرّاء

40. And amazing is that line in the expanse of dust
That it contained knowledge beyond enumeration

٤٠. واعجب لذاك الخطِّ في صفح الثرى
أن حاز علماً ما له إحصاء

41. How could you contain, while you lie in one grave
These horizons - with them you are filled?

٤١. أنَّى وسعتَ وأنت مضجعُ واحدٍ
مَن هذه الآفاق مِنهُ ملاء

42. O visitors, line your eyes with his soil
The lining of sights - purified and healing

٤٢. يا زائريه تكحلوا بصعيدِهِ
كُحلُ البصائرِ تلكمُ البوغاء

43. So for him its mouth gaped, and the polemic folded
Into its folds - verbosity and gesturing ended

٤٣. فَغَرَت له فاها الجدالةُ فانطوى
في طيّها الإسهابُ والإيماء

44. The people divided your legacy of knowledge equally
So strangers and kin attained it alike

٤٤. قَسَمَ الأنامُ تراثَ علمك فاستوى
في نَيلِهِ البُعَداءُ والقرباء

45. We were your servants in our souls' belief
For in your belief, we are sons

٤٥. كنَّا عبيدَكَ في اعتقادِ نفوسنا
إذ في اعتقادك أنَّنا أبناء

46. O wearer of bounty, its trails drag
Your burial was cloaked in a clouded veil

٤٦. يا مُلبَسَ النُّعمى يجرُّ ذيولها
لبست ثراكَ غمامةٌ وطفاء

47. And the sun cried for you, its crying rightful
For were peers to exchange glances

٤٧. وبكت عليك الشمسُ حقَّ بكائها
أن كان قد تتفاقد النظراء

48. Take it as the notion of a heart you guided
From where fatigue comes, invigoration reached

٤٨. خُذها عُلالَةَ خاطرٍ دلّهتَهُ
من حيثُ ينشطُ جاءَهُ الأعياء

49. Every poem I cultured stood to elegy you
Those I trained, though their meters fraudulent

٤٩. قامت تناوِحُ فيك كلَّ قصيدة
ثَقَّفتُها وقناتُها زَورَاءُ