1. Ask the abodes about them, how the abodes yearned for them after they had gone,
They were intimate with the abodes when they traveled, and the abodes cried when they left,
١. سَلِ البَانَ عَنهُم كَيفَ بَعدَهُم البَانُ
أَشَاقُوهُ إِذ سَارُوا وَرَاعُوهُ إِذ بَانُوا
2. Did not the staff of the abodes once in their hands become bent?
So those are the dear brothers in the eyes of the beholder.
٢. أَلَم يَتَعَاطَ دُونَ بَانٍ قَضِيبُهُ
فَتِلكَ القُدُودُ الهِيفُ فِي العَينِ إِخَوَانُ
3. Why then did the abodes not approach them longing,
Nor in them flare up the fires of ardor?
٣. فَمَا بَالُهَا لَم تَدنُ شَوقاً إِلَيهِمُ
وَلَم تَنقَدِح فِيهَا مِنَ الوَجدِ نِيرَانُ