
What virtues and nobility have I not attained?

أي المكارم والعلى لم أحرز

1. What virtues and nobility have I not attained?
Or what virtuous promise have I not fulfilled?

١. أيُّ المَكَارِمِ وَالعُلَى لَم أُحرِزِ
أَم أَيُّ وَعد فَضِيلَةٍ لَم أُنجِزِ

2. Triumphs are mine to command with certainty
Whether consoled by them or my glory made proud

٢. وَلِيَ المَفَاخِرُ قَضُّها بِقَضِيضِهَا
أُعزَى إِلَيهَا أَو لِمَجدِي تَعتَزِي

3. People sleep, heedless of excellence, if only I
Had attained of it a desire's fill

٣. نَامَ الأَنَامُ عَن العَلاءِ وَلَيتَنِي
أَحرَزتُ مِنهَا مِلء رَغبةِ مُحرِزِ

4. Is there in the wilderness one who denies my merits
Or criticizes my entrenched glorious fame?

٤. هَل فِي البَريَّةِ مِنكِرٌ لفَضَائِلي
أَو طَاعِنٌ فِي مَجدِيَ المُتَعزِّزِ

5. I have surpassed the eloquent in eloquence and sometimes
Given respite to the excellent to shine bright

٥. أعشَيتُ سَبَّاقَ البَيَانِ وَرُبَّمَا
أعطَيتُ رَاحَتَهُ عِنَانَ مُبَرِّزِ

6. He goes forth and spends the night outstripping the lightning
His neighing and perhaps he was not spurred

٦. يَمضِي فَيُعشِي لِلبُرَاقِ غُبَارهُ
وَعجَاجُه وَلَعَلّهُ لَم يحفزِ

7. I have led rhymes in disorder or humbled
They cringe to me and to those hostile, haughty

٧. قُدتُ القَوَافِيَ شُرَّداً أَو ذُلَّلا
تَنحَطُّ لِي وَلِمَن عَدَانِيَ تَنتَزِي

8. So I, when prolix, am more prolific than the prolix
And I, when concise, am more effective than the concise

٨. فأنَا إِذَا أَطنَبتُ أَبرَعُ مُطنِبٍ
وَإِذَا أَنَا أَوجَزتُ أَبلَغُ مُوجِزِ

9. My mind inspires for the patron with inducement
And for the foe my mind stonewalls and rebuffs

٩. وَيَهُبُّ فِكرِي لِلوَلِيِّ بِسَجسَجٍ
وَيَهُبُّ فِكرِي لِلعَدُوِّ بِهَزهَزِ

10. Sometimes I impoverish the land with my gifts as alms
And sometimes I reward the extended arms with bracelets

١٠. وَلَرُبَّمَا فُقتُ الوَرَى بِمُفقّرِي
وَلَرُبَّمَا جُزتُ المَدَى بِمُرَجّزِي

11. I flaunt my wonders in the face of time
And drag the train of precedence unparalleled

١١. وَشَدَختُ فِي وَجهِ الزَّمَانِ عَجَائِبِي
وَسَحَبتُ ذَيلَ السَّبقِ غَيرَ مُمَيَّزِ

12. O you who watch me with a disapproving glance
Can the light of dawn be considered unmiraculous?

١٢. يَا مَن يُلاحِظني بِطَرفٍ مُنكَرٍ
أَيَكُونُ نُورُ الصُّبحِ غَيرَ مُعَجَّزِ

13. Oh my sorrow for a poem I sent
To the sage with every magical miracle

١٣. يَا حَسرَتِي لِقَصِيدَةٍ أَرسَلتُهَا
نَحوَ الحَكِيمِ بِكُلِّ سِحرٍ مُعجِزِ

14. I sent it scorning his foolishness
Seeking from him a promise unlike unfulfilled

١٤. أَرسَلتُهَا مُستَهزِئاً مِن سُخفِه
أَبغِي لَدَيهِ وَعدَ غَيرِ المُنجِزِ

15. I seek an apology and I know it is
The entertainment of the resident and laughter of the provocateur

١٥. أَبغِي مُرَاجَعَةً وَأَعلَمُ أَنَّهَا
لَهو المقيمِ وَضحكَةُ المُستَوفِزِ

16. Then over him appeared the pride of arrogance
Alas a morrow the pride of arrogance

١٦. فَبَدَا عَلَيهِ بِهَا فَخَارُ تَعَزُّز
هَيهَاتَ مِن وَغدٍ فَخَارُ تَعَزُّزِ

17. O blamer, does the lamb suffice against the deadly lion?
Have you become content, Yahya, with your shortfall?

١٧. يَا لائِماً يَحيَى عَلَى تَقصِيرِهِ
هَل تَكتَفِي شَاةٌ بِلَيثٍ مُجهِزِ

18. So I have become endowed with eloquence where
He has become in it the feeblest weakling

١٨. وَلَقَد غَدَوتُ مِنَ البَيَانِ مُخوَّلاً
فِي حَيثُ أضحَى مِنهُ أَعوَزَ مُعوزِ

19. Eh Abu Bakr a provocative call
Ready your weapons, quibbler, and come forth

١٩. إِيهٍ أَبا بَكر نِدَاءَ تَعَرُّض
جَمِّع مَحاشَكَ يَا مُجَعجِعُ وَابرُزِ

20. And if you see the inadequacy of your seller in the heights
Toss the reins to the brilliant, fiery one

٢٠. فَإِذَا رَأَيتَ قُصُورَ بَاعِكِ فِي العُلَى
ألق القِيَادَ لألمَعِيّ هِبرِزِ

21. And know that poetry is not about empty words
And the bragging prater is not composed

٢١. وَاعلَم بِأَنَّ الشِّعرِ لَيسَ حِياكَةً
وَاللَّهذَمَ اللَّمَّاعَ لَيسَ بِمَركَزِ

22. O is the pitch black darkness of night
And its obscuring gloom equal to a pinpoint?

٢٢. يَا هَل يُسَاوِي عَاقِلٌ غَسقَ الدُّجَى
وَعُبَابَهُ الطَّامِي بِنُقطَةِ مَركَزِ