
Behind the ribs of clouds a longing heart

وراء ضلوع الغيم قلب مشوق

1. Behind the ribs of clouds a longing heart
For lightning that flashes with two flashes

١. وَرَاءَ ضُلُوعِ الغَيمِ قَلبُ مَشُوقِ
لِبَرقٍ بِذَاتِ الأَبرَقَين خَفُوقِ

2. It looked like a child teasing the clouds, but in truth
It passed around the horizons like a cup of wine

٢. بَدَا طَفَلاً يُزجِي السَّحَابَ وَإِنَّمَا
أَدَارَ عَلَى الآفَاقِ كَأسَ غَبُوقِ

3. So O you who saw my origin noble and my passion
Clouds, while my heart flutters with lightning

٣. فَيَا مَن رَآى لَونِي أَصيلاً وَعَبرَتِي
غَمَاماً وَقَلبِي وَهوَ خَفقُ بُرُوقِ

4. Behold and wonder at me, though I am but one
In whom a beloved combines the traits of a group

٤. أَلا فَاعجَبُوا مِنِّي وَإِنِّيَ وَاحِدٌ
يُضَمِّنُنِي حبيب صِفَاتِ فَرِيقِ

5. And who would lightning complain of that wounds its horizon
With a wound like the wound of love, never healing

٥. وَمَن لِبُرَيقٍ يَشتَكِي مِنهُ أُفقُهُ
بِجُرح كَجُرحِ الحُبِّ غَير مُفِيقِ

6. I sat amongst refined, cultured youths
Who give the highest esteem to culture

٦. قَعَدتُ لَهُ فِي فِتيَةٍ أدَبِيَّةٍ
يُقِيمُونَ لِلآدَابِ أَكرَمَ سُوقِ

7. From them mouths poured forth meanings
As hands flow freely in cups of wine

٧. مِنَ القَومِ جَالَت فِي المَعَانِي شِفاهُهُم
مَجَالَ أَكُفٍّ فِي كُؤُوسِ رَحِيقِ

8. They said to me, make a metaphor, so I said it was as though
A amber tail dragged over camphor

٨. يَقُولُونَ لِي شَبِّه فَقُلتُ كَأَنَّمَا
يَجُرُّ عَلَى الكَافورِ ذَيلَ عَقِيقِ

9. They insisted I make a metaphor, so I said it was as though
Pearls poured onto crystal a rejected draft

٩. فأَومَوا لِي شَبِّه فَقُلتُ كَأَنَّمَا
أَفَاضَ عَلَى البِلَّورِ رَدعَ حلُوقِ

10. And if repetition were seemly, I would have said it was as though
Behind the ribs of clouds a longing heart

١٠. وَلَو حسُنَ التَّكرَارُ قُلتُ كَأَنَّهُ
وَرَاءَ ضُلُوعِ الغَيمِ قَلبُ مَشُوقِ

11. So they said, we wanted quickness and fervor
I said, you recalled the mind of Ibn Hariq

١١. فَقَالُوا أَرَدنَا سُرعَةً وَتَوَقُّداً
فَقُلتُ ذَكَرتُم خَاطِرَ ابنِ حَرِيقِ

12. The gleam of lightning can be made more beautiful
By comparing it, enhancing its brilliance

١٢. وَإِنَّ سَنَا بَرقٍ يَكُونُ شَبِيهَهُ
لَيَزدَاد بِالتَّشبِيهِ حُسنَ بَرِيقِ

13. And the sign of heavenly lightning is the pouring of its tears
In a valley plain or elevated meadow

١٣. وَآيَةُ بَرقِ الجَوِّ سَكبُ دُمُوعِهِ
بِأَبطَح وَادٍ أَو سَمَاوَةِ نِيقِ

14. That stars may shine in the darkness of branches
Flowers that dazzle the eye with the gleam of dawn

١٤. لِيُطلِعَ فِي مُلدِ الغُصُونِ كَوَاكِباً
مِنَ الزهرِ تُعشِي العَينَ لَمعَ شُرُوقِ

15. And the sign of that outstanding mind is an exhalation
That closes over minds every path

١٥. وَآيةُ ذاكَ الخَاطِرِ الفَذِّ نَفثَةٌ
تَسُدُّ عَلَى الأَذهَانِ كُلَّ طَرِيقِ

16. It is beauty, not what makes a garden teem
With a rose cheek or split pomegranate

١٦. هِيَ الحُسنُ لا مَا تَزدَهِي رَوضَةُ الرُّبَى
بِخَدِّ أقَاحٍ أَو بِثَغرِ شَقِيقِ

17. It desires well crafted lines
To every deep crevice in rhetoric

١٧. مِنَ المُذهَبَاتِ الغُرِّ تَهوى رِكَابُهَا
إِلَى كُلِّ فَجٍّ فِي البَيَانِ عَميقِ

18. It moves behind hearing in every woven song
To the settled place in the heart set out first

١٨. تَسيرُ وَرَاءَ السَّمعِ فِي كُلِّ فَدفَدٍ
إِلى مُستَقَرِّ القَلبِ سَيرَ سَبُوقِ

19. I say this having imbibed some of its drafts
And woken not fully conscious between drinks

١٩. أَقُولُ وَقَد سُقِّيتُ بَعضَ سُلافِهَا
فَأَصبَحتُ بَينَ الشَّربِ غَيرَ مُفِيق

20. Oh page of ink, its shoe has tread on you
So excel, O summit of rhetoric, excel me!

٢٠. أيَا رُقعَةَ الحَبرِ المُقَبَّلِ نَعلُهُ
سَخَا بِكِ فَارُوقُ البَيَان فَرُوقِي

21. And O you who handled it, rest your place
Below it how many gentle winds and aged!

٢١. وَيَا مُتَعَاطِيهَا مَكَانَكَ تَستَرِح
فَكَم مِن رَسِيمٍ دُونَهَا وَعَتِيقِ

22. It pleases me that I stayed back from it
As a branch lags behind its origin branch

٢٢. يَقِرُّ بِعَينِي أن تَقَهقَرتُ دُونَهَا
كَمَا يَتَحَامَى الغُصنُ فَرعَ سَحُوقِ

23. And it gladdened me that its envious left it
Like moths fluttering around an origin flame

٢٣. وَقَد سَرَّنِي أَن ذَابَ عَنهَا حَسُودُها
كَأَنَّ فَرَاشاً حَامَ حَولَ سَحُوقِ

24. Its arrows shot the heart of the envious one
With sharp heads like the arrows of archers

٢٤. لَقَد رَشَقَت قَلبَ الحَسُودِ سِهَامُهَا
بِنَصلٍ كَنَصلِ الزَّاعِبِّي فَتِيقِ

25. And it avails him not to line up shields, rather
Against arrows of thought only pliant coats help

٢٥. وَلَم يَعنِهِ سَردُ الدُّرُوعِ وَإِنَّمَا
لِغَيرِ سِهَامِ الفِكرِ نَسجُ سَلُوقِ

26. It flooded my hearing with five poetic meters
And so meaning in my mind found harbor

٢٦. وَجَاشَت عَلَى سَمعِي بِخَمسَةِ أَبحُرٍ
فَحَلَّ بِهَا ذِهنِي مَحَلَّ غَرِيقِ

27. With five verses complete in their prohibition
To a lineage the morning air made fragrant

٢٧. بِخَمسَةِ أَبيَاتٍ تَمُتُّ مِنَ النُّهَى
إِلَى نَسَبٍ صِنو الصَّبَاحِ عَرِيقِ

28. With them you extended to me a hand of friendship
And affection binding like Al-Mashrafi's chest

٢٨. مَدَدتَ بِهَا نَحوِي يَمِينَ مَوَدَّةٍ
وَجِدٍّ كَصَدرِ المَشرَفِيِّ وَثِيقِ

29. A handshake for what we have of continuous thought
Yearning for the rewards of rhetoric and excelling

٢٩. يَميناً بِما لَنَا مِن خَاطِرٍ مُتَسَلسِلٍ
رَتُوقٍ لأَثوَابِ البَيَانِ فَتُوقِ

30. You are my brother, not what my heir imagined
So many a friend above every born brother

٣٠. لأنتَ أَخِي لا مَا تَخَيَّلَ وَارِثِي
فَرُبَّ صَدِيقٍ فَوقَ كُلِّ شَقِيقِ

31. Come, I will converse with you intimately
In an age that warrants reproach and suitability

٣١. تَعَالَ أُجَاذِبكَ الحَدِيثَ هُنَيهَةً
عَلَى صَرفِ دَهرٍ بِالعِتَابِ خَلِيقِ

32. With the sign that sets and rises, he disobeys me
If I reckon with him for disobedience, he will know

٣٢. بآيةِ مَا يُضحِي وَيُمسِي يَعُقُّنِي
سَيَعلَمُ إِن حَاسَبتُهُ بِعُقُوقِ

33. But he has in a barren land the worst example
When he scorned in ignorance the merit of the ancient

٣٣. ألا وَلَهُ فِي مِسطَحٍ شَرُّ إسوَةٍ
غَدَاةَ ازدَرَى جَهلاً بِفَضلِ عَتِيقِ

34. If I sought to rise he lowered me with his wind
To every place of submission precipitous

٣٤. إِذا رُمتُ أَن أَسمُو هَوَت بِي رِيحُهُ
لِكُلِّ مَكَانٍ فِي الخُضُوعِ سَحِيقِ

35. We love the daughters of thought though they disobey us
So how can I accept as a friend my enemy?

٣٥. نُحِبُّ بَنَات الفِكرِ وَهيَ تَعُقُّنَا
فَمَا لِعَدُوِّي أَرتَضِيهِ صَدِيقِي

36. And she was defiant and did not return to us with gain
Evil is the lamb in the clothes of the obedient

٣٦. وَتَسرِي وَمَا عَادت عَلَينَا بِعَائِدٍ
وَقُبِّحَ عَانٍ فِي ثِيَابِ طَلِيقِ

37. Enough slippery slope for fate that our meeting
Was like the non-existence of the disobedient

٣٧. كَفَى زَلَلاً لِلدَّهرِ أَنَّ التِقَاءَنَا
كأبلَقَ مَعدُومِ الوُجُودِ عَقُوقِ