
The Prophet's grandson, al-Husayn, pierced

اندب الطف وسبط المصطفى

1. The Prophet's grandson, al-Husayn, pierced
By spears his neck did gracefully curve

١. اندُبِ الطّفَّ وَسِبطَ المُصطَفَى
بِمرَاثٍ هِيَ أَسرَى مِن قفَا

2. Do not extinguish the light after him
For the lamp of guidance with Husayn was disturbed

٢. لا تَرُم ضَوءَ هُدىً مِن بَعدِهِ
فَسِرَاجُ الهَديِ بالطّفِّ انطَفَى

3. O nation overcome by tyranny, how dare you
How little loyalty and kindness in you flows

٣. أُم ّةَ الطّغيانِ مَا أَجرأَكُم
ما أقَلَّ البِرّ فِيكُم وَالوَفَا

4. If his grandfather saw him among you
Thirsty, as the sharpened swords did cut and slice

٤. لَو رَآهُ جدّهُ بَينَكُم
ظَامِئاً يُسقَى الحُسامَ المُرهَفَا

5. He would not fold his hands in painful lament
And turn away saying: Oh what grief, what demise

٥. لانطَوَى فَوقَ يَدَيهِ أَلَماً
وَتَوَلّى قَائِلاً وَا أَسَفَا

6. Crying out, beseeching Allah, for he had said
About his eyelids flowing with tears: let them rise

٦. شَاكِيا يَستَصرِخُ اللَّهَ وَقَد
قَالَ يَعني مُقلَتَيهِ انذَرِفا

7. Did you satisfy the Creator when
You let the tears of Mustafa stream from his eyes

٧. أَتُرَى أَرضيتُمُ خالِقَكُم
يَومَ أَذرَفتُم دُمُوعَ المُصطَفَى

8. What grandson, if you killed at his door
And you all killed, would take revenge and justice realize

٨. أَيُّ سِبطٍ لَو قُتِلتُم عِندَهُ
وُقُتِلتُم كُلُّكم مَا انتَصَفَا

9. His grandfather is the seal of prophets
His father the seal of successors, so wise

٩. جَدُّه لِلأَنبِيَاءِ خَاتِمٌ
وَأَبُوهُ خَاتِمٌ لِلخُلَفَا

10. No need to name him, if they fall silent
About Husayn - his identity they recognize

١٠. لَيسَ يَحتَاجُ إِلَى تَسمِيَةٍ
إِن سَكتتا عَن حُسَينٍ عُرِفا

11. O clan of Harb, you disrespected his grandfather
Is Allah's messenger rewarded with disregard, lies?

١١. يَا بَنِي حَربٍ جَفَوتُم جَدّه
أَرَسُولُ اللَّهِ يُجزَى بِالجَفَا

12. O clan of Harb, no excuse do you have
Shall I say more or is this enough, suffice?

١٢. يَا بَنِي حَربٍ وَلا عُذرَ لكُم
أَأُطِيلُ القَولَ فِيكُم أَم كَفَى