
I have lost the rope of hope from my intimate friend

صرمت من أنسي حبل الأمل

1. I have lost the rope of hope from my intimate friend
Ask him what befell him or ask not at all

١. صَرَمتُ مِن أُنسِيَ حَبلَ الأَمَلْ
فسَله ما أصابَهُ أو لا تَسَلْ

2. A state from my intimate the rope of hope
The caravan flowed with it and the example flew

٢. حالٌ مِن أُنسِي حَبل الأَمَل
سَرَى بها الركبُ وَطَارَ المَثَلْ

3. Tears that melt their intertwined strands
And anguish whose knot cannot be undone

٣. مَدَامِعٌ تَنحَلُّ أَسمَاطُهَا
وَلَوعَةٌ عُقدَتُهَا لا تُحَل

4. And a grievance whose life is depleted
Oh would that I know where is death from it

٤. وَمُهجَةٌ مُستَطرَفٌ عَيشُهَا
يَا لَيتَ شِعرِي أَينَ مِنهَا الأجَل

5. Oh would that I knew and death is heaped up
And man is envied for what he did not attain

٥. يَا لَيتَ شِعرِي وَالمُنَى جَمَّةٌ
وَيُغبَطُ المَرءُ بِمَا لَم يَنَل

6. Will time return as my era with it
And rarely does time show clemency

٦. هَل يَرجِعُ الدَّهرُ كَعَهدِي بِهِ
وَقَلَّمَا تَستَعطِفُ الدَّهرَ هَل

7. My neighbors why do I see your nearness
Turned by separation, so why not be just

٧. جِيرَتنَا مَا لِي أَرى قُربَكُم
مَالَ بِهِ البَينُ فَهَلا اعتَدَل

8. If my command and who do I have it
I would not stay after you at all

٨. لَو كَانَ لِي أمرِي وَمَن لِي بِهِ
لمتُّ مِن بَعدِكُمُ لا أَقَل

9. But it comforts the eye that intimacy
Has passed until death knocked in it

٩. لَكِن يُقِرُّ العَينَ أَنَّ الجَوَى
قَد جَلَّ حَتَّى دَقَّ فِيهِ الأَجَل

10. Except a heart from a beloved laid bare
And an eye but from flowing tears

١٠. وَالقَلبُ إِلا مِن وَجِيبٍ عَرى
وَالعَينُ إِلا مِن دُمُوعٍ طَلَل

11. And people blamed me, so they returned with what
They came and filled up, and I have no hope

١١. وَلامَنِي قَومٌ فَرُدُّوا بِما
جَاءُوا وَمَلُّوا وَأَنا لا أَمَل

12. If the pack of their disobedience saw
It would not attribute the sword to preceding harm

١٢. فَلَو رَأى ضَبَّةُ عِصيَانَهُم
لَم يَنسُبِ السَّيفَ لِسَبقِ العَذَل