1. The meadows bloomed from the radiant Banat Jar'a
With tears from me and clouds from the sky
١. جَادَ الرُّبَى مِن بَانَةِ الجَرعَاءِ
نَوآنِ مِن دَمعِي وَغَيمِ سَماءِ
2. So my tears fulfill the right of passion there
While the clouds fulfill the right of the singing sands
٢. فَالدَّمعُ يَقضِي عِندَهَا حقَّ الهَوَى
وَالغَيمُ حَقّ البَانَةِ الغَنَّاءِ
3. Hearts are empty of hearts just as
Those encampments are empty of beasts and gazelles
٣. خَلتِ الصُّدُورُ مِن القُلُوبِ كَمَا خَلَت
تِلكَ المَقَاصِرُ مِن مَهاً وَظِباءِ
4. And I say to my companion, and he is
A friend's treasure for the worst circumstances
٤. وَلَقَد أَقُولُ لِصَاحِبَيَّ وَإِنَّمَا
ذُخرُ الصَّدِيقِ لآكدِ الأَشياءِ
5. O my companion, I will not lessen if I
Call out for you to listen to my call
٥. يَا صَاحِبَيَّ وَلا أَقلُّ إذَا أَنَا
نَادَيتُ مِن أَن تُصغِيَا لِندَائِي
6. Curve the carpenter of rain in quenching the fever
Until he sees the pouring of water
٦. عُوجَا نُجارِ الغَيثَ فِي سَقي الحِمَى
حَتَّى يَرَى كَيفَ انسِكَابُ المَاءِ
7. And we forget in quenching homes a precedent
By which we rule over the noble
٧. وَنَسُنَّ فِي سَقيِ المَنَازِلِ سُنَّةً
نُمضِي بِهَا حُكماً عَلَى الظُّرَفَاءِ
8. O home to which my devotion turned
Until its flowers smiled at my crying
٨. يا مَنزِلاً نَشطَت إِلَيهِ عَبرَتِي
حَتَّى تَبَسَّمَ زَهرُهُ لِبُكائِي
9. I did not know before visiting your abode
That tears are the truest of winds
٩. مَا كُنتُ قَبل مَزارِ رَبعِكَ عَالِماً
أَنَّ المَدَامِعَ أَصدَقُ الأَنوَاءِ
10. I wish I knew while time is fickle
And fate exchanges severity with ease
١٠. يا ليتَ شِعري والزَّمانُ تَنَقُّلٌ
والدَّهر نَاسِخُ شِدَّةٍ بِرَخَاءِ
11. Will we meet in a flowering garden
With fluttering branches and twigs
١١. هل نَلتَقِي في رَوضَةٍ مَوشِيَّةٍ
خَفَّاقَةِ الأَغصَانِ وَالأَفيَاءِ
12. And find in it from our harmony even if
There is no warmth from the watching eyes
١٢. وَنَنَالُ فِيهَا مِن تَأَلُّفِنَا وَلَو
مَا فيه سُخنَةُ أَعيُنِ الرُّقَبَاءِ
13. Where the branches conversed adorned
With the pearls of dew
١٣. فِي حَيثُ أَتلَعتِ الغُصُونُ سَوالِفاً
قَد قُلِّدَت بِلآلِئِ الأَنداءِ
14. And the jasmine buds appeared and kissed
The shame of the delicate beauty
١٤. وَبَدَت ثُغُورُ اليَاسَمِينِ فَقَبَّلَت
عَنِّي عِذَارَ الآسَةِ المَيسَاءِ
15. The flowers on the shore of the gulf are as if
An eye disease has afflicted a blue eyelid
١٥. وَالوَردُ فِي شَطِّ الخَلِيجِ كَأَنَّهُ
رَمَدٌ أَلَمَّ بِمُقلَةٍ زَرقَاءِ
16. And the blossoms' bending in the meadows' green
Is like the stars blossoming in the green
١٦. وَكَأَنَّ غضَّ الزهرِ فِي خُضرِ الرُّبَى
زهرُ النجُومِ تَلُوحُ بِالخَضراءِ
17. As if the breeze came giving good news
To the garden, telling it of lasting
١٧. وكأَنَّمَا جَاءَ النَّسِيمُ مُبَشِّراً
لِلرَوضِ يُخبِرُهُ بِطُولِ بَقَاءِ
18. So it clothed it in a fragrant robe and cast unto it
Coins of flowers generously strewn
١٨. فَكَسَاهُ خِلعةَ طِيبَةٍ ورَمَى لَهُ
بِدَرَاهِمِ الأَزهَارِ رَميَ سَخَاءِ
19. As if it scorned the making, so the rustling
Of leaves apologized for it
١٩. وكَأَنَّمَا احتَقَر الصَّنِيعَ فَبَادَرَت
بِالعُذرِ عَنهُ نَغمَةُ الوَرقَاءِ
20. And the branch dances in the beauty of its leaves
Like a cheek in green down
٢٠. وَالغُصنُ يَرقُصُ فِي حُلَى أَورَاقِهِ
كَالخَودِ فِي مَوشِيَّةٍ خَضرَاءِ
21. The lips of narcissus blossoms smiled at what they saw
Perturbed, and the running water chuckled from it
٢١. وَافتَرَّ ثَغرُ الأُقحُوَانِ بِمَا رَأَى
طَرَباً وَقَهقَهَ مِنهُ جَريُ المَاءِ
22. I ransom it from a intimacy that became old and shattered
As if it had been in a swoon
٢٢. أَفدِيهِ مِن أُنسٍ تَصَرَّمَ فانقَضَى
فَكَأَنَّهُ قَد كَانَ فِي الإغفَاءِ
23. Nothing remains of it but a memory or wish
And both are causes of prolonged distress
٢٣. لَم يَبقَ مِنهُ غَيرُ ذِكرَى أَو مُنىً
وَكِلاهُمَا سَببٌ لِطُولِ عَنَاءِ
24. Or a note from a friend - a gift indeed
Notes are the gifts of the vigilant
٢٤. أو رُقعَةٌ مِن صَاحِبٍ هِيَ تُحفَةٌ
إِنَّ الرِّقَاعَ لَتُحفَةُ النُّبَهاءِ
25. I did not know before breaking its seal
That notes are the cups of comrades
٢٥. كَبِطَاقَةِ الوَشقِيِّ إِذ حَيَّا بهَا
إِنَّ الكِتَابَ تَحِيَّةُ الخُلَطاءِ
26. Until I folded my coats in rapture with it
And dragged my train in haughtiness
٢٦. ما كُنتُ أَدرِي قَبلَ فَضِّ خِتَامِهَا
أَنَّ البَطائِقَ أَكؤسُ الصَّهبَاءِ
27. I made that envelope like a cup of wine
And made its sender of pearls
٢٧. حَتَّى ثَنيتُ مَعَاطِفِي طَرَباً بِهَا
وَجَرَرتُ أَذيَالِي مِنَ الخُيَلاءِ
28. And I wondered at a boon companion who gives his companion
A cup over the sea and wilderness
٢٨. فَجَعلتُ ذاك الطِرسَ كَأسَ مُدامَةٍ
وجَعَلتُ مُهدِيَهُ مِنَ النُدَمَاءِ
29. And I saw the elegance of its writing in its beauty
Like the bracelet adorning the wrist of a beauty
٢٩. وعَجِبتُ مِن خِلٍّ يُعَاطِي خِلَّهُ
كَأساً وَرَاءَ البَحرِ وَالبيدَاءِ
30. By its truth - nine signs, it indeed
Came supporting me against my enemies
٣٠. وَرَأَيتُ رَونَقَ خَطِّهَا فِي حُسنِهَا
كَالوَشيِ نَمَّقَ مِعصَمَ الحَسنَاءِ
31. So it was as if I were Moses with it, and it
Was the interpretation of Surat Al-Isra
٣١. فَوَحَقِّهَا مِن تِسعِ آيَاتٍ لَقَد
جَاءَت بتَأيِيدي عَلَى أَعدَائِي
32. If the mind of the son of Hussein composed its like
His prophethood would be proven to the poets
٣٢. فَكَأَنَّنِي مُوسَى بِها وكَأّنَّها
تَفسيرُ مَا فِي سُورَةِ الإِسرَاءِ
33. Dark when you first saw it, but beneath it
Is for you many a white hand
٣٣. لو جادَ فِكرُ ابنِ الحُسَينِ بِمِثِلهَا
صَحَّت نُبُوَّتُهُ لدَى الشُّعَرَاءِ
34. And I have seen when frustrations twisted me
Where the darkness of injustice gloomed
٣٤. سَودَاءٌ إِذ أَبصَرتَهَا لَكِنَّها
كَم تَحتها لكَ مِن يَدٍ بَيضَاءِ
35. That the sky sent me its messenger
With a gift that illuminated my quarters
٣٥. ولَقد رَأيتُ وَقَد تَأَوَّبَنِي الكَرَى
فِي حَيثُ شَابَت لِمّةُ الظَلمَاءِ
36. With the two mothballs and camphor
In the envelope of white camphor
٣٦. أنَّ السماءَ أَتَى إِلَيَّ رَسُولُهَا
بِهَدِيَّةٍ ضَاءَت بِهَا أَرجَائِي
37. That envelope's camphor is enough for me
And the stars of your poetry from the sky
٣٧. بِالفَرقَدَينِ وَبِالثُّرَيَّا أُدرِجَا
فِي الطَّيِّ مِن كَافُورَةٍ بَيضَاءِ
38. I swear by it, its prose and poetry, it
Fulfilled for me my hopes in full
٣٨. فَكَفَى بِذاَكَ الطِّرسِ مِن كَافُورِهِ
وَبِنَظمِ شِعركَ مِن نُجُومِ سَمَاءِ
39. And I knew that you in composing it
In word and script are the miracle of the noble
٣٩. قَسَماً بِهَا وَبِنَظمِهَا وبِنَثرِهَا
لَقَدِ انتَحَت لِي مِلءَ عينِ رَجَائِي
40. Not what Babylon claimed of its sorcery
Nor what Sheba claimed of its making
٤٠. وَعَلِمتُ أنَّكَ أَنتَ فِي إِبدَاءِهَا
لَفظاً وَخَطّاً مُعجِزُ النًّبَلاءِ
41. And I flung it the ball, though it
Is an issue that exhausted the eloquent
٤١. لا مَا تَعَاطَت بَابِلٌ مِن سِحرِهَا
لا مَا ادَّعَاءُ الوَشيُ مِن صَنعَاءِ
42. And I sought an answer from my mind but it let me down
And the palm of my intellect stumbled my brilliance
٤٢. ولَقَد رَمَيتُ لَهَا القِيَادَ وإنَّهَا
لَقَضِيَّةٌ أَعيَت عَلَى البُلَغَاءِ
43. So I neglected its meter and rhyme
And neglected in it the precedent of the literary
٤٣. وَطلَبتُ مِن فِكرِي الجَوَابَ فَعَقَّنِي
وَكَبَا بِكَفِّ الذِّهنِ زَندُ ذَكَائِي
44. And sent it as unmetrical doggerel
To confound an inclusive and despairing mind
٤٤. فَلِذَا تَركتُ عَروضَهَا وَرَوِيَّهَا
وَهَجَرتُ فِيهَا سُنَّةَ الأُدَبَاءِ
45. I learned of your value in knowledge so it set forth
Out of shyness walking in modesty
٤٥. وَبعثتها ألفِيَّةً هَمزِيَّةً
خِدعاً لِفِكرٍ جَامِعٍ إِيبَائِي
٤٦. عَلِمت بِقَدرِكَ في المَعارِف فانبَرَت
من خَجلَةٍ تَمشِي عَلَى استِحيَاءِ