
Accept his excuses gently for he

أعذاره رفقا عليه فقد

1. Accept his excuses gently for he
Left in anger though youth's spring was new.

١. أَعِذَارَهُ رِفقاً عَلَيهِ فَقَد
صَدَرَ الصِّبا غَضبانَ عَنكَ أَسِف

2. How could you scold Nun for her words -
Deleting them yet keeping just a clue?

٢. كَيفَ اِنبَرَيتَ لِنُونِ وَجنَتِهِ
فَمَحَوتَها وَكَتَبتَ لامَ أَلِف

3. As if to warn all ardent lovers:
"Turn not to moons; their Fullness fades from view."

٣. فَكَأَنَّها نَهيٌ لِعاشِقِهِ
لا تَلتَفِت بَدراً جَنى فَكُسِف