
Where are the days that have passed,

أين أيامنا اللواتي تقضت

1. Where are the days that have passed,
When we scolded the auspicious bird for companionship,

١. أَينَ أَيَّامُنَا اللَّوَاتِي تَقَضَّت
إِذ زَجَرنَا لِلأُنسِ أَيمَنَ طَيرِ

2. And the covenant I had made with the generous,
The turns of fate proceeded with it, how it proceeded!

٢. وَإتِلافٍ عَهِدتُهُ مِن كرَامٍ
سَارَ صَرفُ النَّوَى بِهِ أَيَّ سَيرِ

3. Time separated their group after they were united,
Many benefits were removed by the judgment of fate.

٣. شَعبَ الدَّهرُ شَملَهُم بَعدَ جَمعٍ
رُبَّ نَفعٍ أَزَالَهُ حُكمُ ضَيرِ

4. Separation ruled regarding their dwellings, so they submitted
To the judgment of parting, a wink from a watcher.

٤. حَكَمَ البَينُ فِي مُنَاهُم فَقَضّوا
لاحتِكَامِ الفِرَاقِ طَرف نُمَيرِ

5. Love was severed in my breast from them,
Like the severing of al-Hajjaj to Ibn Jubayr.

٥. فَتكَ الحُبُّ فِي سُلُوِّيَ عَنهُم
مِثلَ فَتكِ الحَجَّاجِ بِابنِ جُبَيرِ

6. I have no other companions besides them,
I wonder, do they have anyone else besides me?

٦. لَيسَ لِي غَيرَهُم مِنَ الأُنسِ إنسٌ
يَا تُرَى هَل لَهُم هُنالِكَ غَيرِي

7. Whenever their memory passes, my heart says,
"May God remember well those you remembered."

٧. كُلَّمَا مَرَّ ذِكرُهُم قَالَ قَلبِي
ذَكَرَ اللَّهُ مَن ذَكَرتَ بخَيرِ