
The clouds have extended their eyelids

قد مد مطرفه السحاب

1. The clouds have extended their eyelids
And the rain is about to pour down

١. قَدْ مَدَّ مَطْرَفَهُ السَّحابْ
والغَيْثُ آنَ لَهُ انْسِكابْ

2. The meadow has become fragrant
Like wine with floating bubbles

٢. والرَّوْضُ أَصْبَحَ باسِماً
كالخَمْرِ يَعْلُوهُ الحَبابْ

3. The birds sing upon the branches
As the strings play their melody

٣. والطَّيْرُ قدْ غَنَّى على
دَوْحٍ يُصافِحُهُ الرَّبابْ

4. The river flows like a snake
Meandering through the gardens

٤. والنَّهْرُ كالأَفْعَى جَرَى
بَيْن الرِّياضِ لَهُ انْسِيابْ

5. Flowers blossom in its banks
Like brooches pinned on the earth

٥. والزَّهْرُ في ساحاتِهِ
كالزُّهْرِ بَيْنَهما انْتِسابْ

6. The scent of apples wafts gently
From the buds ready to bloom

٦. لمجامِرِ الأُتْرُجِّ في
أَرْجاهُ عَرْفٌ مُسْتَطابْ

7. And the orchard welcomes the rain
To quench its thirsty soil

٧. وَغَدا لِثَغْر أَقاحِهِ
مِنْ بَلِّ وابِلِهِ رِضابْ

8. The guard's eyes wander
Among the scattered blossoms

٨. عَيْنُ الرَّقيبِ بأعْيُن ال
مَنْثُورِ كانَ لَهَا ذَهابْ

9. And the narcissus eyes allure
Tormenting the gazer's heart

٩. وعُيُونُ نَرْجِسِه لَها
في قَلْب ناظِرِها عَذَابْ

10. A company of dignified grace
Glory their heritage and gain

١٠. في مَعْشَرٍ لَهُمُ العُلَى
والْمَجْدُ إرْثٌ واكْتِسابْ

11. And with their conversation's cup
Captivate the minds of men

١١. وَلَهُمْ بِكاسِ حَدِيثِهمْ
لِلْعَقْل سِحْرٌ واخْتِلابْ

12. Like their souls and knowledge
Gems of land and sea treasure

١٢. كَحُلُومِهِمْ وعُلُومِهِمْ
البَرُّ والبَّحْرُ العُبابْ