1. I have rewarded you, O son of the eminent family,
Honors have become their motto,
١. أَجَزْتُكَ بابنَ السُّراةِ الأُولى
غَدَتْ لَهُمُ المكْرُماتُ الشِّعارا
2. And they have become the breasts and their explainers,
And they have attained the utmost despite the shortcoming,
٢. وَصَاروا الصُّدورَ وشُرّاحَها
ونالوا برَغْمِ الْقِصارِ الْقُصَارَى
3. So ask through them the problematic sciences,
And ask through them the heavily laden elders,
٣. فَسَلْ بِهِمُ مُعْضِلاتِ الْعُلُوم
وَسَل بِهِمُ المثقلاتِ الكِبارَا
4. May God water a loving abode,
They unburdened it and unburdened adversity,
٤. سَقَى الله من ضَمَدٍ مُوْطِناً
أَقَالُوا بِهِ وأَقالُوا الْعِثَارا
5. And the life of the youth flowed generously
Who have inclined their kindness to pride through them,
٥. وجَادَ الْحَيَا الْجَوْدُ صَبَيا التي
أَمَالَتْ بِهِمْ عِطْفَها اِفْتِخارا
6. For the delegation of sublime meanings, the journey has become
Through them and for the delegation of meanings a shrine,
٦. لِوَفْدِ الْمَعالِي غدَتْ رِحْلَةٌ
بِهِمْ ولِوَفْدِ المعَاني مَزَارا
7. Lo, awe me with the sciences which
I have given you openly or secretly,
٧. أَلا فَارُوِعَنّي الْعُلُومَ التي
مَنَحْتُكَها جَهْرَةً أو سَرارا
8. For you are the one who has attained all wishes,
Youth and become unmatched,
٨. فأنْتَ الذي نَالَ كُلَّ الْمُنَى
شَباباً وَصَارَ الذي لا يُبارِى
9. And the elders fell short of his extent,
And the cheeks did not grow any excuses,
٩. ومن قَصَّرَتْ عَنْ مَدَاهُ الشُّيوخُ
وَمَا أَنْبَتَ العارِضانِ الْعِذارا
10. And do not forget me from the prayer of supplication
When separation calls out loud,
١٠. ولا تَنْسَنِي منْ صِلاَتِ الدُّعاءِ
إذَا الْبَيْنُ لا كانَ نَادَى جِهارا