1. A system that emulates pearls, its gift towards us
The talent of one who nurtures minds with what it nurtures
١. نِظامٌ يُحاكِي الدُّرَّ أَهْدَتْهُ نَحْوَنا
قَريحَةُ مَنْ يُروِي الفُهُومَ بِما يَرْوي
2. And in its folding is research that precise in its rhetoric
When the mind of the rhetorician and the grammarian desires it
٢. وفي طَيِّهِ بَحْثٌ يَدِقُّ بَيانُهُ
إذا رامَهُ فِكْرُ البَيانِيِّ والنَّحْوِي
3. And many a time the rhetorician attributes to me
I reveal the secrets of speech and do not fold
٣. وَرُبَّتَما قالَ البَيَانِيُّ مَنْصِبي
أُكَشِّفُ أَسْرارَ الَكلامِ ولا أطْوِي
4. And whoever puts the following this is confused
For him is the approach of law from our grammar it contains
٤. ومَنْ قَدَّمَ التّالي فذلِكَ مَهْيَعٌ
لَهُ مَنْهَجُ القانُونِ مِنْ نَحْوِنا يَحْوي
5. And I only left the interpretation because I
Incline to other than the mere word in my purpose shelter
٥. وما تَرْكِيَ التَّقْدِيرَ إلاّ لأَنّني
إلى غَيْرِ مَحْضِ اللّفْظِ في مَقْصِدي آوِي
6. And the grammarian interpreted and that is his art
As for my arts they shy away from the like of it
٦. وقَدْ قَدَّرَ النَّحْوِيْ وذلِكَ فَنُّهُ
وأَمَّا فُنُوني فَهْيَ عَنْ مِثْلِهِ تَلْوِي
7. Given that the people of grammar some of them go
To that it is the very retribution without lapse
٧. عَلَى أَنَّ أَهْلَ النَّحْوِ يَذْهَبُ بَعْضُهُمْ
إلى أَنَّهُ نَفْسُ الجَزاءِ بلا سَهْوِ
8. So the people of Kufa, the whole group, the position of
Retribution before the condition in all that it nurtures
٨. فَقَدْ قالَ أَهْلُ الكُوفَةِ الكُلُّ رُتْبَةُ ال
حَزاءُ قبيل الشرط في كل ما تروي
9. And they all said, and Al-Mubarrid, that it is not
Retribution with the advancement, it is not what intends
٩. وقالوا جميعاً والمبرد إنه ال
جزاء مَعَ التَّقْدِيمِ لَيْسَ الذي يَنْوِي
10. And the majority of residents of Basra opposed them
So they said an indication of retribution and it is the folded
١٠. وخالَفَهُمْ جُمْهُورُ سُكّانِ بَصْرَةٍ
فَقالوا دَليلٌ للجَزَا وَهُوَ الْمَطْوِي
11. And there is no doubt that the origin refuses their saying
And whoever opposed tracing from a preponderant plunges
١١. ولا شَكَّ أَنَّ الأَصْلَ يَأْبَى مَقالَهُمْ
ومَنْ خالَفَ التَّأصيلَ عَنْ راجِحٍ يَهْوِي
12. And whoever said the retribution is interpreted
With the weakness of saying to the opponent in the intended
١٢. وما قَالَ مَنْ قَالَ الجَزاءُ مُقَدَّرٌ
بِضَعْفِ مَقالٍ للمُخالِفِ في الْمَنْوِي
13. And Saad Al-Deen said in the weakness that it
Is by preventing it, the masses said in grammar
١٣. وقَدْ قالَ سَعْدُ الدِّينِ في الضَّعْفِ إنَّهُ
بِمَنْعٍ لَهُ قالَ الجَماهيرُ في النَّحْوِ
14. And they did not prevent the questioned about it, but
There was a difference in interpretation, their speech nurtures
١٤. وما مَنَعُوا الْمَسْؤُولَ عَنْهُ وإنَّما
تَفاوَتَ في التَّقْدِيرِ قَوْلُهُمُ الْمَرْوِي
15. And stay in bliss as long as you remain and consolation
The spirits of sciences nurture what you contain
١٥. وَدُمْ في نَعيمٍ ما بَقيتَ وسُؤْدُدٍ
تُرَوِّحُ أَرْواحُ العُلومِ بما تَحْوي
16. And the letter of the composer never weakened for a lead
But it folds when prolonged or strengthens
١٦. وحَرْفُ الرَّوِي ما ذَلَّ يَوْماً لِرائِضٍ
ولَكِنَّهُ يَطْوِي إذا طالَ أَوْ يُقْوِي