
I wish to live to spread knowledge,

أود بأن أعيش لنشر علم

1. I wish to live to spread knowledge,
Through which I spent my youth and old age,

١. أَوَدُّ بأنْ أَعِيشَ لنَشْرِ عِلْمٍ
قَطَعْتُ به الشَّبِيبَةَ والْمَشِيبا

2. And compiled books full of it, until
The arrow of truth through it hit the target.

٢. وصَنَّفْتُ الدَّفاتِر فيهِ حَتّى
غَدَا سَهْمُ الصَّوابِ بِها مُصِيبا

3. And it became the reference of scholars, when
They saw it as a fertile ground for them.

٣. وصارَتْ مرْجِعَ الأَعْلامِ لَما
رَأَوْها مَرْتَعاً لَهُمُ خَصِيبا

4. And how many sayings I analyzed that I saw
To be, from fairness, undeservedly famous.

٤. وكم زَيَّقْتُ أَقوالاً أراها
من الإنصاف ما أخذتْ نصيبا