
You gave me more than I hoped for, so protect it

أعطيتني فوق آمالي فصنه عن

1. You gave me more than I hoped for, so protect it
From the turmoil of worries and the change of trials.

١. أَعْطَيْتَني فَوْقَ آمالِي فَصُنْهُ عَنِ التَّ
كْدِيرِ بالهَمِّ والتَّغْييرِ بالمِحَنِ

2. Grant me from life what you will in serenity
And health, in the safekeeping of the sons of time.

٢. وَهَبْ مِنَ الْعُمْرِ لي ما شِئْتَ في دَعَةٍ
وَصِحَّةٍ في أَمانٍ مِنْ بَنِي الزَّمَنِ