
How many tyrants lead by the rope

وكم من طواغيت يجر زمامها

1. How many tyrants lead by the rope
An ignorant one in the name of law in the deserts

١. وكَمْ مِنْ طَواغِيتٍ يَجُرُّ زِمامَها
جَهُولٌ باِسْمِ الشَّرْعِ في الفَلَواتِ

2. He comes with words of vows and sometimes
With words of commandments or words of gifts

٢. يَجيء بألْفاظِ النُّذورِ وتَارَةً
بِلَفْظِ الوَصَايا أو بِلَفْظِ هِباتِ

3. Like one who drank urine in iniquity saying
It is the water, he does not care for lack of attributes

٣. كَمَنْ شَرِبَ الصَّهْباءَ في الدَّنِّ قائلاً
هِيَ الماءُ لا يَعْبأ بِفَقْدِ صِفاتِ