1. What has turned my noble land to learning of arts one day,
Yet to you the seekers it's become an eye of disobedience?
١. ما بَالُ بِرِّي بِتَعْليمِ الفُنُونِ غَدَا
عَيْنَ العُقُوقِ لَدَيْكُمْ يا ذَوِي الطَّلَبِ
2. Is this for my diminished fortune or for your rejection
Of those rights without crime or cause?
٢. هَلْ ذا لِنُقْصان حَظِّي أَمْ لِطَرْحِكُمْ
تِلْكَ الْحُقُوقَ بلا جُرْمٍ ولا سَبَبِ
3. Or has ignorance made me abandon positions in
The love of knowledge and attain high ranks?
٣. أَمْ أَوْجَبَ الثلْبُ تَرْكِي للمنَاصِبِ في
حُبِّ العُلُومِ ونَيْلِي عَالِيَ الرُّتَبِ
4. Or my avoidance of what discourse has declined
You've associated with flesh and origin?
٤. أَمْ ابْتَعادِي لِما قَدْ زَافَ مِنْ كَلم
خَالَطْتُمُ حُبَّهُ باللّحْمِ والعَصَبِ
5. I've no defect but that in your lands I'm
A sun and you've not known in it except comets.
٥. لا عَيْبَ لِي غَيْرَ أَنّي في دِيارِكُمُ
شَمْسٌ ولَمْ تَعْرِفوا فِيها سِوَى الشُّهُبِ
6. While you're like bats of darkness and the
Bat remains in misery under sunlight.
٦. وأَنْتُمُ كَخَفافِيشِ الظَّلامِ وَمَا
زَالَ الْخُفاشُ بِنُور الشَّمْسِ في تَعَبِ
7. Die if you wish for the words I've inscribed in books
Have taken flight in defending truth.
٧. مُوتُوا إذا شِئْتُمُ قَدْ طَارَ مِنْ كَلِمي
مِنْ نُصْرَةِ الْحَقِّ ما حَرَّرْتُ في الكُتُبِ
8. And I hope my call rouses a group
Who strive for religion, not for glory.
٨. وأَرْتَجِي أَنْ يُرْجِّي دَعْوَتي نفرٌ
يَسْعُونَ للدِّين لا يَسْعُونَ للنَّشَبِ
9. They don't equate God's word to a lad's
Nor the sunna of the best messenger to a fool's.
٩. لا يَعْدِلُونَ بِقَوْلِ اللهِ قَوْلَ فَتىً
ولا بِسُنَّةِ خَيْرِ الرُّسْلِ قَوْلَ غَبِي
10. They don't turn from the right guidance nor
Flatter for encouragement or intimidation.
١٠. لا يَنْثَنونَ عَنِ الهَدْيِ القَوِيمِ وَلا
يُصانِعُونَ لِتَرْغيب ولا رَهَبْ
11. I share with them my doctrines' pearls
I've veiled from those of taqlid and doubt.
١١. أَبُثُّ ما بَيْنَهُمْ مِنْ مَذْهَبِي دُرَراً
حَجَبْتُها عَنْ ذَوي التَّقْلِيدِ والرِّيَبِ
12. O group who foolishly lost their banners
And made heads of scholars like tails.
١٢. يا فِرْقَةً ضَيَّعَتْ أَعْلامَها سَفَهاً
وصَيَّرَتْ رَأْسَ أَهْلِ العِلْمِ كالذَّنْبِ
13. No teacher of knowledge rose in your lands
Except you made him drink cups of sorrows.
١٣. ما قامَ رَبُّ عُلومٍ في دِيارِكُمُ
إلاّ وَجَرَّعْتُموهُ أَكْؤُسَ الكَرَبِ
14. Traits have quenched you with their foul water
Wicked ancestors who were yours in past eras.
١٤. خَلائِقٌ قَدْ سَقَاكُمْ سُوءَ مَشْرَبِها
أَسْلافُ سُوءٍ لكُمْ في سَالِفِ الحِقَبِ
15. One who said the Prophet said among you
Became with this among your idols.
١٥. مَنْ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ بَيْنَكُمُ
غَدا بذا عِنْدَكُمْ مِنْ جُمْلَةِ النَّصَبِ
16. If the shaykhs of secondary law say thus
You say he's correct though he erred in reality.
١٦. فإنْ يَقُلْ أَشْياخُ الفُروعِ كَذا
قُلْتُمْ أَصابَ وفي التَّحْقيقِ لم يُصِب
17. You've made the Zaydi doctrine, in its majesty,
Among you a wonder of wonders.
١٧. جَعَلْتُمُ الْمَذْهَبَ الزَّيْدِيَّ بَيْنَكُمُ
عَلَى جَلالَتِهِ أُعْجُوبَةَ العَجَبِ
18. You've turned the essence of the Family's knowledge turbid
Until it became a game among you one day.
١٨. صَيَّرْتُمُ صَفْوَ عِلْمِ الآلِ في كَدَرٍ
حَتَّى غَدا بَيْنَكُمْ يَوْماً من اللَّعِبِ
19. You've opposed the radiant Sunna so this
Became grounds for your opponents' charges.
١٩. عادَيْتُمُ السُّنَّةَ الغَرّا فكانَ بذا
دَعْوَي خُصُومِكُمُ مَوْصُولَةَ السَّبَبِ
20. How did the ignorant think harm beneficial in calamity
And kept hoping for salvation from hands of loss?
٢٠. كَمْ ظَنَّ ذُو حَمَقٍ في الضُّرِّ منْفَعَةً
وظَلَّ يَرْجُو نَجاةً مِنْ يَدِ العَطَبِ
21. You've blackened an ignorant generation with knowledge and this
An opinion dragging the tail of woe and war.
٢١. سَوَّدْتُم جيلَ جَهْلٍ بالعُلُومِ وَذَا
رَأْيٌ يَجُرُّ بِذَيْلِ الوَيْلِ والحَرَبِ
22. And ijtihad in your jurisprudence books
Became limited to the Imam, transgress it's not right.
٢٢. والإجْتِهادُ غدا في كُتْبِ فِقْهِكُمُ
شَرْطَ الإمامِ فإِنْ تَعْدُوهُ لم يَجِبِ
23. And the condition for bearers of judiciary burdens, though
Issuing fatwas, you don't know what's inscribed in books.
٢٣. وشَرْطَ حمّالِ أَعْباءِ القَضَاءِ مَعَ ال
إفْتا فَلَمْ تَعْرِفوا ما خُطَّ في الكُتُبِ
24. So judge between us, you flowers, though
You meet it, if you understand it, with freedom of doubt.
٢٤. فَحَكِّموا بَيْنَنا الأَزْهارَ فَنَّكُم
تَلْقَوْا بِهِ إن فَهِمْتُوهُ جَلا الرِّيَبِ
25. Didn't he specify as a condition for a lad's ijtihad
A rising to the highest position of ranks?
٢٥. أَلَمْ يَنِصَّ عَلَى شَرْطِ اجْتِهادِ فَتىً
سَمَا إلى الْمَنْصِبِ الأَعْلَى مِنَ الرُّتَبِ
26. And review the latest of his books as well
The chapter on judiciary and rest from harm of fatigue.
٢٦. وَراجِعوا آخَراً مِنْ كُتْبِهِ وكَذَا
بابُ القَضَا واسْتَرْيحُوا منْ أَذَى التَّعَبِ
27. And he said whoever obtains the knowledge of ijtihad and doesn't
Remove the burden of taqlid has not succeeded.
٢٧. وقَالَ مَنْ حازَ عِلْمَ الإجْتِهادِ وَلَمْ
يَحُلَّ عَنْهُ عُرا التَّقْليدِ لَمْ يُصِبِ
28. And I obtained multiples of what they conditioned
Before thirty years of my age without lying.
٢٨. وإنَّني حُزْتُ أَضْعافَ الذي شَرَطوا
قَبْلَ الثَّلاثينَ منْ عُمْرِي بِلا كَذِبِ
29. Didn't I stain the sanctuaries' patios by
Teaching every discipline to the seekers?
٢٩. أَلَمْ أُضَمِّخْ به أَرْجا الجَوَامِعِ بالتَّ
دْريسِ في كُلِّ فَنٍّ مَعْشَرَ الطَّلَبِ
30. Didn't I author in the prime of my youth what
Becomes firmly established to the gnostics in pleasure?
٣٠. أَلَمْ أُصَنِّفُ في عصْرِ الشَّبيبَة ما
يَغْدُو لَهُ مُحْكَمُ العِرْفانِ في طَرَبِ
31. Had my sun risen over other than your lands
No obstacles would've halted its radiance.
٣١. لَوْ كانَ مَطْلِعَ شَمْسِي غَيْرَ أَرْضِكُمُ
ما حَالَ دُونَ سَناهَا عَارِضُ السُّحُبِ
32. Nor would it become for gazers at it
As if it rose in the darkness of veils.
٣٢. وَلا غَدَتْ لِعَشاءِ النّاظِرينَ لَهَا
كَأَنّها طَلَعَتْ في مُظْلِمِ الحُجُبِ