1. On the land, the noble son of the land, my greetings come
Scented with blossoms, perfumed with good news
١. على البَرِّ نَجْلِ البَرِّ مِنّي تَحِيَّةٌ
تَضَوَّعُ منْ نَشْرٍ تَأَرَّجُ منْ بِشْرِ
2. His virtue adorns the cheeks of knowledge
And scents the realms of virtues and pride
٢. يُضَمِّخُ أرْدانَ المعارِفِ عَرْفُها
يُعَطِّرُ أَرْجاءَ المكارِمِ والفَخْرِ
3. It leads to the pride of Al Fatemis, the decoration of
Al Hashimis, the foremost of Al Khadramis through time
٣. وتُنْهي إلى فَخْرِ الفَواطِمِ زينَةِ ال
هَواشِمِ سَبّاقِ الخَضارِمِ في الدهْرِ
4. For it has reached a system as if it were
Falling pearls or a necklace of pearls
٤. بأنَّ نِظاماً مِنْهُ وَافَى كأنّهُ
سُمُوطُ الدَّرارِي أو عُقُودٌ منَ الدُّرِ
5. Through it the sun of eloquence rose to its zenith
It is the star in the night of lines from the ink
٥. بِهِ طَلَعَتْ شَمْسُ البَلاغَةِ فُلْكَها
هُوَ الطِّرْسُ في لَيْلِ السُّطورِ من الحِبْرِ
6. Through it the sentiment of time shook and for it
The hearts' melodies and meanings from the line leapt
٦. بِهِ اهْتَزَّ عِطْفُ الدَّهْرِ وارْتَقَصَتْ لَهُ
غَوانِي الْمَغانِي والمعَانِي مِنَ السَّطْرِ
7. Sometimes I see it as sorcery in the fold of a talisman
And other times I see it as nectar in the drawing of the line
٧. فَطَوْراً أَرَاهُ السِّحْرَ في طَيِّ طَلْسَمٍ
وطَوْراً أَراهُ السُّكر في رَقمِ السَّطْرِ
8. But it has reached a youth who branched out
For him are preoccupations that blocked poetry and prose
٨. ولكِنَّهُ وَافَى فَتىً قَدْ تَشَعَّبَتْ
لَهُ شُغَلٌ صَدَّتْ عَنِ النّظْمِ والنَّثْرِ
9. And disturbances poured in from the purity of resources
Tormenting him whether he knows or does not know
٩. وكَدّرَ مِنْ صَفْوِ الموارِدِ واردٌ
يُصَاوِلُه مِنْ حَيْثُ يَدْرِي ولا يَدْرِي
10. Engaging in momentous, heavy, and lengthy tasks
And drafting research beyond enumeration
١٠. يَقُومُن بأَهْوالٍ ثِقالٍ طَويلَةٍ
وتَحْريرِ أبْحاثٍ تَجِلُّ عَنْ الحَصْرِ
11. Sometimes adversaries whisper to him and sometimes
Debates besiege him with folds and publications
١١. فحِيناً يناجِيهِ الخُصومُ وَتارَةً
تُضايِقُهُ الأَسْجالُ بالطَّيِّ والنَّشْرِ
12. And how many a night where its darkness whitens
And the white of papers does not blacken by dawn
١٢. وكَمْ لَيْلَةٍ يَبيَضُّ مُسْوَدّ فَحْمِها
وَمَا اسْوَدَّ مُبْيَضّ الرّقاعِ لَدَى الفجْرِ
13. The raven of separation flies from its nest but
The ink of the star does not deviate from that nest
١٣. يَطيرُ غُرابُ البَيْنِ عَنْ وَكْرِهِ وَما
يَحُولُ مِدادُ الطِّرْسِ عَنْ ذِلِكَ الوَكرِ
14. So you, son of nobles, may excuse
A youth who has uncovered the faces of excuses
١٤. فَعَلّكَ يا نَجْلَ الأكارِمِ عاذِرٌ
فَتىً قَدْ أَماطَ السّتْرَ عَنْ أوْجُهِ العُذْرِ