1. The answer I deem right
Would please the critics of reproach
١. الْجَوَابُ الذي أَرَاهُ صَوَاباً
يَرْتَضِيهِ أَئِمَّةُ الاِنْتِقادِ
2. That the proximity of spirits in this abode
Is reunion for those of affection
٢. أنَّ قُرْبَ الأَشْباحِ في هذِهِ الدّا
رِ هُوَ الْوَصْلُ عِنْدَ أَهْلِ الْوِدادِ
3. If the communion of one soul with another
In affection despite long separation
٣. لَوْ أَفادَ اتِّصالُ رُوحٍ برُوحٍ
في وِدادٍ وَمَعْ طَويلِ بِعادِ
4. Were nonsense, then all that people have recounted
Of separation, weeping, and wakefulness by night
٤. كَانَ لَغْواً جَميعُ ما قَدْ حَكَى النّا
سُ مِنَ الْهَجْرِ والْبُكا والسُّهادِ
5. It was only remoteness that inflamed our hearts
And set free a flood of tears down the valley
٥. إنَّما أَلْهَبَ الجوَانِحَ مِنّا
وأَسالَ الدُّموعَ سَيلَ الْوَادِي
6. We are far from dwellings where she settled
Who inspired passion in the bodies
٦. بُعْدُنا مِنْ مَرابِعٍ حَلَّ فيها
مَنْ أَحَلَّ الْغَرامَ بالأجْسادِ
7. Oh my people, would that my people had
In the meeting of souls and innermost hearts
٧. يا لَقَوْمِي وَهَلْ لقومي غَناءٌ
في تَلاقِي الأَرْواحِ والأَكْبادِ
8. It was only separation that sundered hearts
May God sunder the heart of this separation
٨. إنَّما قَطَّعَ الْقُلوبَ بِعادٌ
قَطَّعَ اللهُ قَلْبَ هذا الْبِعادِ
9. So the stranger who settles in a land
While his passion is in other realms
٩. فالغَريبُ الذي يَحِلُّ بِلاداً
وَهَواهُ في غَيْرِ تِلْكَ الْبِلادِ
10. And the distant one who resides in a place
Whose springtime seared the heart
١٠. والبعِيدُ الذي يُقيمُ بأَرْضٍ
قَدْ قَلَى رَبْعُها رَبيعَ الْفُؤادِ
11. Do you not see what availing comes
From cherishing love and passion's increase?
١١. ما تَرَى ما الّذي يُفِيدُ أنْطِوا الْقَل
بِ عَلَى الْحُبِّ والْهَوَى في ازْدِيادِ
12. Only a heart tried before its sundering
Complains of estrangement
١٢. إِنَّما يَشْتَكي مِنَ الْبَيْنِ قَلْبٌ
قَدْ بُلي قَبْلَ بَيْنِهِ بالوِدادِ
13. And if it is devoid of love, then estrangement
Is to it like union in oneness
١٣. وَإذا ما خَلاَ مِنَ الْحُبِّ فالبَيْ
نُ لَدَيْهِ كالوَصْلِ في الاِتّحادِ
14. The noble Prophet, God's blessings upon him,
Has provided us guidance in meaning:
١٤. والنَّبيُّ الْكَريمُ صَلّى عَلَيْه
رَبُّنا قَدْ أَفادَنَا بالْمُرادِ
15. "Report is not like witnessing
In issuing commands and directing."
١٥. قَالَ لَيْسَ الإخبارُ مِثْلَ عَيانٍ
عِنْدَ إصْدارِ الأَمْرِ والإيرادِ
16. And the venerable Friend demanded a meaning
From witnessing that increases faith
١٦. والْخَلِيلُ الْجَلِيلُ يَطْلُبُ مَعْنىً
مِنْ عَيانٍ يَزيدُ في الاِعْتِقادِ
17. So he who said inhabiting a quarter of love
With love is beneficial in absence
١٧. فالذي قَالَ إنَّ عُمرانَ رَبْعِ ال
حُبِّ بالحُبِّ نافِعٌ في الْبِعادِ
18. Is wrong or deceiving, by those
Who were discerning and critics
١٨. غاَلِطٌ أَو مُغَالِطٌ عِنْدَ مَنْ كا
نَ مِنَ الأَذْكِياءِ والنُّقّادِ
19. There you have it, O sage of the age, an answer
Whose pillar was built by striving
١٩. هَاكَ يا عَالِمَ الزَّمانِ جَوَاباً
شَيَّدَتْ رُكْنَهُ يَدُ الاِجْتِهادِ
20. And greetings of peace be upon you, O individual
Of the Mustafa's progeny, the guiding Prophet.
٢٠. وَسَلامُ السَّلامِ يَغْشاكَ يا فَرْ
دَ بَني الْمُصْطَفَى النَّبِيّ الهادِي