1. O what excellent words
Composed by the leaders
١. يا حَبَّذَا كَلامُ
قَدْ صاغَهُ الأَعْلامُ
2. The imams of investigation
And the group of precision
٢. أَئِمَّةُ التَّحقِيقِ
وزُمْرَةُ التَّدْقيقِ
3. And the beauty of eras
And the keepers of books
٣. وزِينَةُ الأَعْصارِ
وحَافِظو الأَسْفارِ
4. Whose knowledge has become
Among people an illumination
٤. مَنْ عِلْمُهُمْ قَدْ أَصْبَحا
بَيْن الأنَامِ صُبْحا
5. They have verified the arts
And unveiled the hidden
٥. قدْ حَقَّقُوا الْفُنُونا
وأَبَرَزُوا المكْنُونا
6. And healed the sick
And quenched the thirsty
٦. وَشَفَوا العليلا
وأَرْوَوا الْغَلِيلا
7. They are the faces of Yemen
They are the eyes of the age
٧. هُمُ وُجُوهُ الْيَمَنِ
هُمُ عُيُونُ الزَّمَنِ
8. If you meet one of them
You would think he is that master
٨. إن تَلْقَ مِنْهُمْ واحِدا
تَظُنَّ ذَاكَ السَّيّدا
9. So praise be to the Overseer
Who brought in this time
٩. فالحَمْدُ للمُهَيْمِنِ
أَوْجَدَ في ذا الزَّمَنِ
10. For us from the imams
Dispellers of every darkness
١٠. لَنَا مِنَ الأَئِمّةِ
جُلاةَ كُلِّ ظُلْمَةِ
11. So the happiness of the age
Returned the darkest in this era
١١. فَعادَ فَوْدُ الدَّهْرِ
أَسْوَدَ في ذَا الْعَصْرِ
12. And it was like the clouds
Since it did not find a sign
١٢. وكانَ كالثَّغَامَهْ
مُذْ لَمْ يَجِدْ عَلامَهْ
13. After the perishing of the generation of scholars
And if you doubt
١٣. مِنْ بَعْدِ أَنْ قَدْ هَرِمَا
لفقد جيل العلما
14. What I have relayed from the past
Especially regarding the people of this time
١٤. وإنْ تَشُكَّ فِيما
رَوَيتُه قَدِيما
15. And particularly those from Yemen
Then look at the card
١٥. في فَضْلِ أَهْلِ الزَّمَنِ
لا سِيَّما في الْيَمَنِ
16. You will find in it verification
And it is evidence
١٦. فانْظُرْ إلى الْبِطاقَهْ
تَجِدْ بِها مِصْداقَهْ
17. That brings about certainty
You will see in it views
١٧. وأَنّها بُرْهانُ
يَحْصُلْ بهِ اطْمِئْنانُ
18. That you would think are enlightened
But I have regarding some
١٨. تَرَى بها أَنْظارا
تَظُنُّها نُضَارا
19. An issue in my opinion
About those who preferred
١٩. لكِنَّ لي في الْبَعْضِ
بَحْثاً لَدَيّ مَرْضِي
20. And authenticated parts of it
And reconciling in this is possible
٢٠. عَلَى الذينَ رَجَّحُوا
أَبْعاضَها وصَحَّحُوا
21. And it is for me the more appropriate
So whatever is reconciled
٢١. والْجَمْعُ في ذا مُمْكِنُ
وَهْوَ لَدَيَّ الأَمْكَنُ
22. Is what obligates us
And it is without doubt
٢٢. فَذَاكَ مَهْما أَمْكَنا
فَهُوَ الذي يَلْزَمُنا
23. Given precedence in the path
The observers start with it
٢٣. وَهْوَ بِلا تَشَكُّكِ
مُقَدَّمٌ في الْمَسْلَكِ
24. When the news is settled
And these principles
٢٤. يَبْدا بهِ النُّظارُ
بِذَا قَضَى الأَخْبارُ
25. Support what I say
Its books have become full
٢٥. وهَذِهِ الأُصولُ
تَنْصُرُ ما أَقُولُ
26. Of its lessons and teachings
Not including something unacceptable
٢٦. غَدَتْ بِهَذا مُفْعَمهْ
أَسْفارُهَا ومُعْلِمَهْ
27. And ask those of knowledge
Never and no contenders
٢٧. ما إنْ إخالُ مُنْكَراً
وسَلْ بذاكَ الأَخْبَرا
28. In criticizing the reports
They are without confusion
٢٨. ومَنْ غَدا مُرَجِّحا
لِجَهْرِها مُصَحِّحا
29. The guides of people in this
And everyone with expertise
٢٩. وطرد ذا التّعما
إلى الصَّلاةِ العجما
30. Who has lengthened in it his arm span
Is with it the skilled one
٣٠. فَقَدْ غَدا مُطَّرِحَا
جَميعَ ما قَدْ صَحَّحا
31. I have decided this
But we have gotten bored of reconciliation
٣١. أئِمَّةُ الْحَديثِ
مِنْ ذلِكَ الْحَديثِ
32. When we were devoid
Of the family of the best of messengers
٣٢. وهُمُ أَولُو الصِّناعَةِ
وناقِدُو الْبِضاعَةِ
33. The role models of every perplexed one
The guides of every guided one
٣٣. ما إنْ لَهُمْ مُداني
واسْأَلْ ذَوي الْعِرفانِ
34. They have authenticated reports
That support manifestation
٣٤. كَلاَّ وَلاَ مُمارِي
في النَّقْدِ للأَخْبارِ
35. Sometimes generalizing
And sometimes specifying
٣٥. هُمُ بِلا الْتِباسِ
في ذَا هُدَاةُ النّاسِ
36. Approaching fifty in number
And investigate, you will see certainty
٣٦. وكلُّ ذِي صِناعَهْ
طَوَّلَ فيها باعَهْ
37. And look in the book of Al-I'tisam
Of the eminent imam
٣٧. فَهُوَ بِها الْخِرِّيتُ
بِمِثْلِ ذا قَضَيْتُ
38. You will see in it reports
That repel denial
٣٨. لَكِنَّنا قَدْ مِلْنا
لِلْجَمْعِ لّما خلناِ
39. And dismiss dependence
On what has been said
٣٩. عُتْرَة خَيْرِ الرُّسُلِ
بُدور كُلّ مُعْضِلِ
40. In them of disparagement
And weakening and distortion
٤٠. قُدْوَة كُلِّ مُقْتَدي
هُدَاة كُلّ مُهتديِ
41. And do not trust what Ibn Hajar
Has babbled regarding it
٤١. قَدْ صَحَّحُوا أَخْبارا
تُؤَيِّدُ الإظْهارَا
42. For they are well-founded
Measured against the controverting
٤٢. قَدْ عَمَّمَتْ أحْيانا
وخَصَّصَتْ أَوَانا
43. Supported by the principles
So hear what I say
٤٣. تُقارِبُ الْخَمْسينا
وابْحَثْ تَر الْيَقينا
44. From the perspective of affirmation
And the various aspects
٤٤. وانْظُرْ بسِفْرِ الاِعْتِصام
للعَالِمِ الْحَبْرِ الإمَام
45. And they have become supported
By the erect family
٤٥. تَرَى بِهِ أَخْبارَا
تَدْرَا بِهِ الإنكارا
46. Consensus has been established regarding it
As the Shias have related
٤٦. واطَّرِحِ التَّعْوِيلاَ
عَلَى الذي قَدْ قِيلا
47. From the stars of guidance
And the ships of salvation
٤٧. فِيها مِنَ التَّضعيفِ
والطَّعْنِ والتَّحْريفِ
48. And with them a group
Of the keepers of the craft
٤٨. ولا تَثِقْ بِما زَبَرْ
في شَأْنِها ابنُ حَجَرْ
49. So whoever has become a proponent
Authenticating its secret
٤٩. فإنَّها لَناهِضَهْ
تُوازِنُ المعارِضَهْ
50. Say to him, advising,
"Is this not a repudiation
٥٠. تَعْضدُها الأُصُولُ
فاسْتَمْلِ ما أقولُ
51. Of all that you deemed authentic?"
And the crux of the matter
٥١. مِنْ جِهَةِ الأَثْباتِ
والأَوْجُهِ الشَّتاتِ
52. In the likes of this situation
Is that both sayings
٥٢. وقَدْ غَدَتْ مُؤَيَّدَهْ
بالعِتْرَةِ الْمُشَيِّدَه
53. Lead to harm without deviation
The resolute flees from it
٥٣. قامَ بِها الإجْماعُ
كَمَا حَكَى الأَشْياعُ
54. And the firm path in
This issue is
٥٤. عَنْ أَنْجُمِ الْهُداةِ
وسُفُنِ النَّجاة
55. Manifestation in the manifest
And secret in the secret
٥٥. وَمَعَهُمْ جَمَاعَهْ
مِنْ حَافِظي الصِّناعِهْ
56. For if there occurs contradiction
Incline to Ibn Al-Qayyim
٥٦. فَمَنْ غَدَا مُرَجِّحا
لِسِرِّها مُصَحِّحا
57. You will obtain excellent reconciliation
Chosen by the Most Generous
٥٧. فَقُلْ له مناصِحا
أمثْلُ هَذَا طارِحا
58. The ocean of sciences and the banner
Scholar of the transmitted and rational
٥٨. وغايَةُ الْكَلامِ
في مِثْلِ ذَا الْمَقامِ
59. The reviver of sciences
Al-Qasim ibn Yahya
٥٩. أنَّ كِلا الْقَوْلَيْن
نابٍ بِغَيْرِ مَيْنِ
60. Or say, in the words of the resolute one
So that is whichever resolute one
٦٠. يَلْزَمُ مِنْهُ اللاّزِمُ
يَفِرُّ عَنْهُ الحازِمُ
61. But if you insist
On rejecting this saying
٦١. والجادَّةُ الْقَويّهْ
في هَذِهِ الْقَضِيَّهْ
62. Then come to Abd al-Qadir
The scholar of the time and the last
٦٢. الْجَهْرُ في الْجَهْرِيَّةِ
والسِّرُّ في السِّرِّيَّةِ
63. The ocean, ibn Ahmad
Possessor of sciences from hand to hand
٦٣. فإِنَّ هَذَا الناهِضُ
إن ما جَرَى التّعارُضُ
64. The unique one of this time
Truly without mention
٦٤. فَمِلْ إِلَى ابْنِ الْقَيِّم
تَظْفَرْ بِجَمْعٍ قَيِّمِ
65. Of absolute diligence
Foremost of all foremost
٦٥. قَدِ ارْتَضاهُ الأَكْرَمُ
بَحْرُ الْعُلُومِ الْعَلَمُ
66. And the exemplar
In these eras
٦٦. عَلاَّمَةُ المنْقُولِ
حَقّاً مَعَ المعْقُولِ
67. You will attain guidance
In his deep sea
٦٧. مَنْ للعُلومِ أَحْيا
القاسِمُ بنُ يَحْيَى
68. So set out to his abode
And seek guidance from his guidance
٦٨. أَو قُلْ بِقَوْلِ الحازِمِي
فَذَاكَ أَيُّ جازِمِ
69. Then may prayers eternally
Be upon the Prophet
٦٩. فإنْ أَبَيْتَ إلاّ
طَرْحَكَ هَذَا الْقَوْلا
70. And his family, the imams
The safeguard of this nation
٧٠. فَلْتَأْتِ عَبْدَ القادِرِ
حَبْرَ الزمان الأخر
٧١. الْبَحْرَ ابنَ أَحْمَدِ
حَاوي الْعُلُومِ عَنْ يَدِ
٧٢. واحِدَ هَذا الْعَصْرِ
حَقّاً بِغَيْرِ نُكْرِ
٧٣. ذا الاِجْتهادِ الْمُطْلَقِ
سَبْاقَ كُلِّ سابِقِ
٧٤. ونُقْطَةَ الْبِيكارِ
في هَذهِ الأَعْصارِ
٧٥. تَظْفَرْ بِنَيْلِ الرُّشْدِ
في بَحْرِهِ ذي الْمَدِّ
٧٦. فانْهَضْ إلى ذُرَاهُ
واسْتَهْدِ مِنْ هُدَاهُ
٧٧. ثُمَّ الصَّلاةُ سَرْمَدا
عَلَى النَّبيِّ أَبَدا
٧٨. وآلِهِ الأَئِمةِ
أَمانِ هِذِي الأُمَّةِ