
When will I give thanks for what You have given me

ومتى أقوم بشكر ما خولتني

1. When will I give thanks for what You have given me
Of these endless blessings that cannot be counted

١. وَمَتى أقُومُ بشُكْرِ ما خَوَّلْتَني
منْ هَذِهِ النِّعَمِ التي لا تُحْصَرُ

2. Rather, I cannot even give thanks for the least of them, even if
I spent my whole life thanking You

٢. بَلْ لا أقُومُ بشُكْرِ أَدْنَاهَا وإنْ
أفْنَيْتُ عُمْري كُلَّهُ لَكَ أَشْكُرُ

3. If I had the heavens and the earth filled up
Alas, that would still fall short in thanking You

٣. لَوْ كانَ لِي مِلءُ السَّما والأَرْضِ أَفْ
وَاهاً لَكَانَتْ عِنْدَ شُكْرِكَ تَقْصُرُ

4. I have nothing but this admission as my means
And through it, it endures, and through it, it multiplies

٤. مالِي سِوَى ذَا الاِعْترافِ وَسِيلَةٌ
وبِهِ يَدُومُ وعِنْدَهُ يَتَكَثَّرُ