
Grant the full moon's light may some day fade,

هب أن بدر التم يوما يأفل

1. Grant the full moon's light may some day fade,
Or the bare pole star plummet and fail;

١. هَبْ أَنَّ بَدْرَ التَّمِّ يَوْماً يَأْفُلُ
أَوْ أَنَّهُ يَهْوِي السِّماكُ الأَعْزَلُ

2. Or seas may lack for want of their fluid store,
Or favors curdle, or bloom burst and pale;

٢. أَوْ أَنَّ بَحْراً غَاضَ مِنْهُ ماؤُهُ
أَوْ دُكَّ رَضْوَى أَوْ تَصَدَّعَ يَذْبُلُ

3. Would it then seem a laughing matter, like the jeering
Of mankind when the saintly scholar died,

٣. أَيَكُونُ رُزْءاً مِثْلَ رُزْءِ بَني الْوَرَى
إذْ ماتَ ذَاكَ العالِمُ المتَبَتِّلُ

4. A jeering that makes even the staid soul boil
With rage at what the mindless fool implied?

٤. رُزْءٌ يَطيشُ لَهُ الْوَقُورُ فَلُبُّهُ
مِمّا يُساوِرُ لُبُّ مَنْ لا يَعْقِلُ

5. "Preach patience," you say. But what patience avails
After Ibn Ibrahim, that spotless pearl?

٥. يَا آمِري بالصَّبْرِ أَيُّ تَصَبُّرٍ
بَعْدَ ابنِ إبْراهيمَ يَوْما يَجْمُلُ

6. The full moon of knowledge has set; you're orphaned,
As dust on the grave rises up in a swirl.

٦. بَدْرُ الْمَعَارِفِ لا أبا لَكَ قَدْ ثَوَى
في حُفْرَةٍ وعَلاَ عَلَيْهِ الْجَنْدَلُ

7. He brought to life Ahmad's beauteous Law,
Made plain from it problems that confuse and whirl.

٧. وَهُوَ الّذِي أَحْيا شَرِيعَةَ أَحْمَدٍ
وَأَبانَ مِنْها غامِضاً يَسْتَشْكِلُ

8. When knots of knowledge harassed us, we took refuge with him;
All difficult questions he would disenturl.

٨. كُنّا نَلُوذُ بِهِ إذَا أَلْوَى بِنا
مِنْ مُشْكِلاتِ الْعِلْمِ يَحْثٌ مُعْضِلُ

9. The noble Tradition--through him did it shine;
Its lines of transmission through him were unfurled.

٩. فَالسُّنَّةُ الْغَرّاءُ كانَ جَمَالَها
وَبِهِ أسانِيدُ الْحَدِيثِ تُسَلْسَلُ

10. He roamed far out in the sea of Qur'anic commentaries,
While by his side each scholar would falter and curl.

١٠. ويَخْوضُ في التّفْسيرِ مِنْ غَمَراتِهِ
لُجَجاً لَدَيْها كُلُّ حَبْرٍ يَذْهَلُ

11. He circled with skill through the sources legal and rational--
None to compare among those fettered and hurled!

١١. ويَجُولُ في الأَصْلَيْنِ جَوْلَةَ ماهِرٍ
لا مِثْلَ مَنْ قَدْ جالَ وَهْوَ مُكَبّلُ

12. Of rhetoric he built up the crumbling wall,
And by it did climb high and haul up his word.

١٢. والْهَضْبَ مَنْ عِلْمِ الْبَيَانِ أَشَادَهُ
وبِهِ تَطاوَلَ أَطْوَلٌ وَمُطَوَّلُ

13. He drew to himself all branches of knowledge entire,
Each one hastened to him, the first and last unfurled.

١٣. لَبَّتْ دَوَاعِيَهُ الْعُلُومُ بأسْرِها
وَسَعَى إلَيْهِ أَخِيرُها والأَوّلُ

14. Wherever he paused in his wanderings east and west
The sciences too paused, bound by an unseen cord.

١٤. فَتَحُطُّ حَيْثُ يَحْطُّ وَهْو إذَا غَدا
مُتَرحّلاً لِرَحيلِهِ تَتَرَحَّل

15. His steps matched those of the first generation;
He kept to the clear proof, swerving not right or left.

١٥. وَجَرَى عَلَى نَمَطِ الصَّحابَةِ تابعاً
نَصَّ الدَّلِيلِ فَعَنْهُ لا يَتَحَوَّلُ

16. No affectation mingled with his profound learning,
No pedantry, posing, or arrogant claim to know.

١٦. ما شَابَ صَفْوَ عُلُومِهِ بِتَكَلُّفٍ
وتَعَجْرُفٍ وتَصَلُّفٍ لا يُقْبَلُ

17. But the goal of his steady purpose in speech and deed
Was to achieve what is best--nothing less would do.

١٧. بَلْ كانَ مَطْمَحُ قَصْدِهِ في قَوْلِهِ
وفِعالِهِ إدْرَاكَ ما هُوَ أَفْضَلُ

18. In all his long life he never let slip from his mind
The pursuit of high excellence--none could make it so.

١٨. ما مَرَّ مِنْهُ مَدَى الزَّمانِ بِخَاطِرٍ
طَلَبُ الْعُلُوِّ فما عَلَيْهِ يُقْبِلُ

19. And if ever worldly enticements glistened,
He would spurn them and onward march with unfaltering tread.

١٩. ويَصُدُّ إنْ لاحَتْ بُروقُ مَطامِعٍ
تَسْعَى إذَا لَمَعَتْ إليْها الأَرْجُلُ

20. O you who trod the path of detachment to the end,
And fulfilled your mission, with nothing to slow your pace,

٢٠. يا مَنْ عَلَى قَدَمِ التَّجَرُّدش قَدْ مَضَى
فَقَضَى ولَيْسَ لَهُ بِها ما يُثْقِلُ

21. How unsullied the garment of abstinence you wore,
Uncontaminated by food or dwelling place!

٢١. أَثْوابُ زُهْدشكَ مُتَّ وَهْيِ نَقِيَّةٌ
لاَ مَشْرَبٌ قَدْ عابَها أَوْ مَاْكَلُ

22. You never engaged in talk unconcerned with your goal,
Never slipped into company you would disgrace.

٢٢. لا خَائِضاً في غَيْرِ ما يَعْنِي ولا
في مَجْمَعِ بمَقَالَةٍ يَتَفَيْضَلُ

23. As you passed your days, they decked themselves in your virtues
By which ages gone by were adorned and made mellow.

٢٣. يَهْوَى الْخُمُولَ مَعْ فَضائِلِهِ الّتي
صَارَ الزَّمانُ بِمِثْلِها يَتَجَمَّلُ