
Behold! Thus is he who aspires for glory,

ألا هكذا من يروم الفخارا

1. Behold! Thus is he who aspires for glory,
Seeking to attain the highest goals and summits.

١. أَلاَ هَكَذا مَنْ يَرُومُ الْفَخَارا
ويَبْغي بُلوغَ الْمُنَى والْقُصَارى

2. For glory is naught but the youth arising
To the lofty throne of glory openly.

٢. فَما المجْدُ إلا نُهُوضُ الْفَتَى
إلى ثَلِّ عَرْشِ الْمُناوي جهارا

3. The burning of steeds for the heat of battle,
The reddening of swords is pleasure and free choice.

٣. وقَوْدُ الْجِيادِ لحَرِّ الْجِلادِ
وخَضْبُ الحدادِ رِضىً واخْتِيارا

4. The breaking of lances and the piercing of teeth,
The loosening of reins and the racing of the skilful.

٤. وحَطْمُ اللدانِ وَوَخْزُ السّنانِ
وَلَيُّ الْعِنانِ وَرَكْضُ الْمِهارا

5. The foes drink of the cup of ruin,
Leaving the wise confused and perplexed.

٥. وسَقْيُ الْخُصومِ بِكَأْسِ السُّمومِ
وتَرْكُ الْفُهومِ الْعَوالي حَيَارى

6. The Leader of Leaders from Hashim
And the most generous of them in nobility and honour.

٦. إمامَ الأئِمّةِ منْ هاشِمٍ
وأكْرَمَها في المعالي نِجارا

7. You have destroyed your treacherous enemies
And made them drink a cup of ruin after long transgression.

٧. طَفِرْتَ بأعْدائِكَ الخائِنين
وأكْرَمَها في المعالي نِجارا

8. Behold! Thus is he who aspires for the heights!
Behold! Thus is he who aspires for glory!

٨. وأَوْرَدْتَهُم مَوْرِداً مُورِداً
لَهُمْ بَعْدَ طولِ التَّعَدّي بَوارا

9. May God reward you, O rising one,
Through whom God has removed disgrace.

٩. ألا هَكَذا مَنْ يَرومُ الْعُلَى
ألا هَكَذا من يَرومُ الْفَخارا

10. You have relieved the servants and revived the lands
You have manifested dissent and removed harm.

١٠. فلِلّهِ دَرُّكَ من قائِمٍ
بهِ قَدْ أَقَال الإلهُ الْعِثارا

11. You have conquered the armies and demolished the forts,
You have established for my Divine religion a banner.

١١. أَرَحْتَ الْعِبادَ عَمَرْت الْبِلادَ
أَبَدْتَ الْعِنادَ أَزَحْتَ الضّرارا

12. I congratulate you on the victory, O you who have become
A bracelet on the wrist of the Prophet's family.

١٢. قَهَرْتَ الجنُودَ هَتَكْتَ الْبُنُودَ
أَقَمْتَ لِدينِ إلَهي شِعارا

13. I congratulate the Leader of Guidance who has become
An earring on the crown of the Most High, wherever it settled.

١٣. أهَنّيكَ بالفَتْحِ يا مَنْ غَدا
لِمِعْصَمِ آلِ الرّسولِ السّوارا

14. Remain a supporter of the people, vanquishing,
Remain kindling the burning wars.

١٤. أُهَنِّي إمامَ الْهُدَى مَنْ غَدا
لِتاجِ الْعُلَى دُرَّةً حَيْث دَارا

15. O Lord, prolong the days of the Sublime One through this Leader who is unparalleled.
O Owner of the Kingdom, prepare for him

١٥. وَدُمْ ناصِراً للوَرَى قاهِراً
وَدُمْ مُضْرِماً للحُروبِ النِّيَارا

16. The vast kingdom on land and sea.
Enable his swords wherever he desires

١٦. فيا رَبِّ طَوّلْ دُيولَ الْعُلَى
بِهَذا الإمامِ الذي لا يُبارَى

17. And make the earth his abode.
And may he continue every day to see

١٧. ويا مالِكَ الْمُلْكِ مَهّدْ لَهُ
مِنَ الْمُلْكِ بَرَّ الْوَرَى والبحارا

18. The coming of chiefs and the arrival of captives.

١٨. ومَكِّنْ صَوارِمَهُ حِيْث ما
أَرادَ وصَيِّرْ لَهُ الأَرْضَ دَارا

١٩. ولا زالَ في كُلِّ يَوْمٍ يَرَى
وُفودَ الرُّؤوسِ وَوَفْدَ الأسارَى