1. Without her, O life, there is but sorrow and the sting of spears,
And with her, so listen to the clashing of swords.
١. مِنْ دُونِها يا عَمْرُ وَخزُ الرِّماحْ
وعِنْدَها فاسْمَعْ صَليلَ الصِّفَاحْ
2. None hears in her quarters,
Save the shrieking of the frightened, or the struggle.
٢. لا يَسْمَعُ السَّامِعُ في حَيِّها
غَيْرَ جِلاَدٍ مُفْزعٍ أو كِفاحْ
3. So travel to her, recklessly,
Exchanging your life for shamelessness.
٣. فَسِرْ إلَيها سَيْر مُتَهوِّرٍ
مُسْتَبْدِلاً فيها الْحَيَا بالوَقاحْ
4. Girding yourself, having sworn an oath not to waver
From loving her, no matter the blamer or preventer.
٤. مُشَمِّراً قَدْ صُمّ لايَنْثَني
عَنْ حُبِّها لِعَاذِلٍ أو لِلاحْ
5. He who wins the height of his wishes fears no reproach,
He strove until when gaining his goal,
٥. فَما يَهابُ الْعَتَبَ مَنْ فَازَ مِنْ
غَايَةِ أُمْنِيَتِهِ بالنَّجَاحْ
6. His right hand cast down his staff and rested.
Travel has wearied my mounts, and it is time
٦. سَعَى فَلَمّا ظَفِرَتْ بالْمُنَى
يَمينُهُ أَلْقَى الْعَصا واسْتَراحْ
7. For it to rest after the revelation.
For after dwelling in the excellent quarter of the mountain of knowledge,
٧. قَدْ أَتْعَبَ السَّيْرُ رِحَالي وَقَدْ
آنَ لَها بَعْدَ الْوَحَى أنْ تُراحْ
8. The seas of generosity, it has established me.
Whoever dug a canal to the most high,
٨. فَقَدْ أقَامَتْني عَدَاها الرّدَى
بِرَبْعِ طود العلم بحر السماح
9. And protected its protector, it cannot be violated.
Whoever raised the flags of Sunnah,
٩. مَنْ هَزَّ لِلْعَلْيا قَناةً وَمَنْ
حَمَى حِماها فَهْي لا تُسْتَباحْ
10. And struggled against innovation completely.
Innovating, striving, fighting,
١٠. مَنْ شادَ للسُّنَّةِ أَعْلامَها
مَنْ كافَحَ الْبِدْعَةَ كُلَّ الْكِفاحْ
11. For the religion in the knowledge of guidance for righteousness.
O scholar of the family of the Prophet in his time,
١١. مُجَدِّداً مُجْتَهِداً جاهِداً
للدّينِ في عِلْمِ الهُدىَ للصَّلاحْ
12. And pole of the masters of intercession and success.
What is with he who was just in our time,
١٢. يا عالِمَ الْعِتْرَةِ في عَصْرِهِ
وقُطْبَ أَرْبابِ النُّهَى والْفَلاحْ
13. And inclined towards the authentic positions?
Rejecting blind imitation from every barber,
١٣. ما بالُ مَنْ أَنْصَفَ في دَهْرِنا
وَمالَ نَحْوَ الْمُسْنَداتِ الصِّحاحْ
14. Cutting his turban and wrapper.
Did not say our elders determined,
١٤. واطَّرحَ التَّقْليدَ مِنْ حَالِقٍ
مُقَطِّعاً رِبْقَتَهُ والْوِشَاحْ
15. They left no effort for them in advice.
He is accused of ambition among his people,
١٥. وَلَمْ تَقُلْ أَشْياخُنَا قَرْرُوا
لَمْ يَدْعُوا جَهْداً لَهُمْ في النّصاحْ
16. And upon the accuser is no sin.
They tear his honor if he comes to them
١٦. يُرْمَى بِداءِ النَّصْبِ في قَوْمِهِ
وَما عَلَى الرَّامِي لَهُ مِنْ جُناحْ
17. With the bitter truth and is at ease.
He faces from them all kinds of harm,
١٧. يُمَزِّقُونَ الْعِرْضَ مِنْهُ إذا
جَاءَ بِمُرِّ الْحَقِّ فيهم وَرَاحْ
18. Every ugly thing in the evening and morning.
Are the sons of the despicable from them attacking him,
١٨. يَلْقَى لَدَيْهِمْ مِنْ صُنُوفِ الأَذَى
كُلَّ قَبيحٍ في الْمَسَا والصبَّاحْ
19. Flaring in the heart, what a flare!
١٩. أَبِنْ فَزَنْدُ الْبَهْتِ مِنْهُمْ غَدَا
مُنْقَدِحاً في الْقَلْبِ أَيَّ انْقِداحْ