1. The adjunct does not imply the ellipsis of its correlative,
Nor contradicts what it refers to if mentioned.
١. فالعَطْفُ لم يَأْتِ في إضْمارِ تابِعِهِ
ولا يُخالِفُ مَتْبُوعاً لَهَا ذُكِرا
2. It is not a sentence either along with its correlative,
Nor a verb, no way, nor a passive from another.
٢. ولم تَكُنْ جُمْلَةٌ أَيْضاً وتابِعُها
والفِعْلُ كَلاَ وَلاَ الْمَجْهولُ مِنْ أُخْرَى
3. It does not take the place of the original at all,
Nor comes with a term for what it refers to, however noble.
٣. وَلا تَحُلُّ مَحَلَّ الأَصْلِ قَطُّ وَلاَ
تَأْتِي بِلَفْظٍ لِمَتْبُوعٍ لَهُ زُبِرا
4. But the reverse is valid in substitution, always
Take these eight, you will overcome difficulty.
٤. وَعَكْسُها صَحّ في الإبْدالِ مُطَّرِداً
خُذْها ثَمانِيةً تَسْتَيْسِرُ العَسِرَا