
I entrust to God a sword unsheathed against

أستودع الله سيفا جردوه على

1. I entrust to God a sword unsheathed against
An apostate who broke the faith into pieces

١. أَسْتَودِعُ اللهَ سَيْفاً جَرّدُوهُ عَلى
مَفارِقٍ فَرَّقَتْ دِينَ الْهُدَى فِرَقا

2. O Lord, strengthen our faithful religion
And repel with it the mischief of those who deviated from our faith

٢. يا رَبِّ حُطْ بِصَفِيِّ الدين حَوْزَتَنا
وادْفَعْ بِهِ بَغْيَ مَنْ مِنْ ديننا مَرَقا

3. And make it defender of the territory of Islam from a group
Who did not recognize the paths of our religion

٣. واجْعَلْهُ حامِي حِمَى الإسْلامِ منْ نَفَرٍ
لم يَعْرِفُوا لِنَواحِي ديننا طُرُقا