
When I recall the plains of Najd

إذا تذكرت سوح نجد

1. When I recall the plains of Najd
My heart sees hope of returning there

١. إذَا تَذَكَّرْتُ سُوحَ نَجْد
أَرَى بِقَلْبي رَجَا رُجُوعِهْ

2. But in its dwellers there is vileness
That drives me from the thought of going back

٢. لكِنَّ في ساكِنِيهِ لُؤماً
نَفَّرَني عَنْ رُبا رُبوعِهْ

3. A people with shamefulness in absence
My head bows in shame at the thought of them

٣. قَوْمٌ لَهُمْ في الْمَغَيبِ ذَمٌّ
يَسْطَعُ رَأسِي سَطا سُطوعِهْ