
Indeed God has among His servants men

إن لله في العباد رجالا

1. Indeed God has among His servants men
Who have been purified from the turbidities of worries,

١. إِنَّ للهِ في العبادِ رِجالاً
قَدْ صَفَوْا منْ شوَائِبِ التَّكْديرِ

2. The Creator of all creatures has granted them knowledge,
Enlightening them about some matters.

٢. خَصَّهُمْ خالِقُ الخلائِق بالعِلْ
مِ ببَعْضِ الأمُورِ بالتَّنويرِ

3. I have long sought to meet one of them,
Asking of my Lord, the All Powerful,

٣. طَالَمَا قَدْ طَلَبْتُ لُقْياءَ فَرْدٍ
مِنْهُمُ سائِلاً لرَبٍّ قَديرِ

4. My God, endow me with one of those people
To resolve some of what is in my conscience.

٤. يا إلَهِي اُمنُنْ بِفَرْدٍ منَ الْقَوْ
مِ لِتَحْليلِ بَعْضِ ما في ضَمِيري