1. O son of valorous men and noble lineage from Mudar,
Bestowed with generosity that would shame the most generous,
١. يا بنَ الْبَهالِيلِ والأَطْوادِ مِنْ مُضَرِ
والْمُنْعِمينَ بسَيْبٍ يُخْجِلُ الدِّيما
2. Your refined poetry clearly points to you being
An ocean of knowledge, no doubt.
٢. قَدْ دَلَّ نَظْمُكَ للدُّرِّ الثّمينِ بِلا
شَكٍّ بأَنَّكَ بَحْرٌ للعُلُومِ طَمَا
3. You began gently admonishing me,
Though I was at fault with my distance, so bear with me kindly.
٣. ورُمْتَ إبْداءَ عَتْبٍ في مُلاطَفةٍ
وقَدْ أَسأْتُ بِبُعْدِي فاحْتَمِل كَرَما
4. Yearning is matched with yearning, this is the just measure,
As decreed by the best of messengers and the wise.
٤. فالشَّوْقُ بالشَّوْقِ مُنْقاسٌ ومُعْتَبَرٌ
قَضَى بذلِكَ خَيْرُ الرُّسْلِ والْحُكمَا
5. I have no doubts or suspicions, for they are
Of one kind and against the unity of souls, as both have ruled.
٥. ولا أُشْكِّكُ بالتَّشْكيكِ فَهُوَ عَلَى
تَواطُؤٍ باتّحادِ الْجِنْسِ قَدْ حَكَما
6. The reasons for my love of you have not been taken away
Nor will the knot of my affection be severed from you.
٦. ومُوجِباتُ وِدادي فيكَ ما سُلِبَتْ
ولا غَدا عَقْدُ وُدِّي عَنْكَ مُنْفَصِما
7. Since my soul became devoted to you, I have not
Parted for fear of losing our connection.
٧. ولا انْفَصَلْتُ لِمَنْعِ الْجَمْعِ مُذْ وَلِهَتْ
نَفْسِي بِمَنْعِ خُلُوٍّ صارَ مُلْتَزَما
8. I have not given up on my feelings for you
Or wished them away, not at all.
٨. مُحَصّلاتُ وِدادي ما رَضيتُ لَها
عَنْكَ الْعُدُولَ ولا أَوْلَيْتُها الْعَدَما
9. Our forms have become harmonized in a way
That has affectionate results and prevents barrenness.
٩. وقَدْ تَأَلَّفَ شَكْلانَا عَلَى نَمَطٍ
لَهُ نَتائِجُ وُدٍّ تَمْنَعُ الْعُقُمَا