1. Whoever thinks his blessings will fade
Is already suffering for that notion.
١. مَنْ ظَنَّ في بِعْمَتِهِ أَنَّها
زائِلَةٌ فَهوَ بِها في عَذابْ
2. Dark thoughts may spoil a young man's life,
As well as keeping bad company.
٢. ورُبّما نَغَّصَ عَيْشَ الفَتَى
خَواطِرُ السُّوءِ وسُوءُ الصّحابْ
3. So revel in the gifts allotted you here,
Say not, "I fear they'll vanish into thin air!"
٣. فَعِشْ بِما خَوِّلْتَهُ في هَنا
ولا تَقُلْ أَخْشَى عَلَيْهِ الذَّهابْ
4. Defer your worries for another day;
If fate someday should turn and bite us there.
٤. واطَّرحِ الهَمَّ إلى حِينِهِ
إنْ عَضَّ هَذا الدَّهْرُ يَوْماً بنابْ
5. Grieving for what has not occurred at all
Is never deemed by the wise man as logical.
٥. فالحُزْنُ ممّا لَمْ يكُنْ لا يَرَى
بِهِ صَحيحُ العَقْلِ يَوْماً مُصابْ
6. Regrets can neither bring back the past
Nor remedy melancholy's pathological fall.
٦. وكُلُّ ما قَدْ كانَ فالغَمُّ لا
يَرُدُّ ما فاتَ ولا الاكْتئابْ
7. All worries, when tomorrow comes, retreat,
If that which troubled the lad comes to greet
٧. فالغَمُّ كُلُّ الغَمِّ وقْتٌ غَدا
فِيهِ الفَتَى إن ما يُكَدِّرْه طابَ
8. And ask the Lord of the Heavenly Throne
To spare you from fears in hardship's defeat.
٨. واسْأَلْ إلَهَ العَرْشِ دَفْعَ الذي
تَخافُه في النائِباتِ الصّعابْ
9. And cling to Him if darkest night draws nigh,
And calamities approach to terrify.
٩. وكُنْ بِهِ مُسْتَمْسِكاً إِنْ دجا
لَيْلُ خُطُوبٍ حالِكاتِ الخِضابْ