1. These are the houses where the verb resided
So stop whatever comes into your mind
١. هَذِي بُيوتُ حَلَّ فيها الْقَاصِرُ
فَلْتَقْفُ ما ألقى عَلَيْكَ الْخَاطِرُ
2. It did dhumma in this way, it did fa'ala
Breaking and if'awwal, then if'anlila
٢. ففَعُلَ ضُمّا كَذاكَ فَعِلَ
كَسْراً وافْوَعَّلَ ثم افْعَنْللا
3. And do if'al and if'alil, do if'anla
And istaf'al and infa'ala upon
٣. واَفْعَل وافعَللّ افعنلا
واستَفْعل وانْفَعَل علا
4. Do tafa'lil and annex the inclusion
As a poem of purity and color
٤. تفعلل وألحِقْ به التضمينا
سجيَّةً نظافةً ولونا
5. And ornament and filth and honor
And here, its enumeration is complete
٥. وحليةً ودَنَساً وعَرضا
وعند هذا حصرها تقضَّى
6. But it extends after brevity
In seven things of the enumeration
٦. لكنها تطولُ بعدَ الْقَصْرِ
عند أمور سبعة في الْحَصْرِ
7. Its hamza and the alif of mufa'alah
And the sin of istif'al and overpowering
٧. همزتُها وألِفُ المفاعَلَه
وسين الاسْتِفعال والمغالبه
8. Likewise the doubling and the inclusion
The seventh being an expansion that occurs
٨. كذلكَ التضعيف والتضمين
سابعها تَوَسُّعٌ يكونُ