
This is the refuge of one who seeks

هذا مقام العائذ

1. This is the refuge of one who seeks
The Owner of Majesty, my only hope,

١. هذَا مَقامُ العائِذِ
بِذِي الجَلالِ اللائِذِ

2. From slip of tongue and straying thoughts,
And deeds gone wrong and words not true.

٢. مِنْ زَلّةِ اللّسانِ
وهَفْوَةِ الجَنانِ

3. If He's no mercy for me, what can guard me?
Yet good opinion's all I have to give me hope.

٣. وسَيّىء الأعْمالِ
وَزائِفِ الأَقْوالِ

4. I'm the evildoer, the confessor,
Not one to deny the sins I bear.

٤. إن لَمْ يَكُنْ لي راحِما
فأيُّ شَيْء لي حِمَى

٥. لَكِنَّ حُسْنَ ظَنِّي
هُو مُنْيَةُ المتَمَنِّي

٦. أنا المسيءُ لامِرا
لَسْتُ لِذَنْبي مُنْكِرَا