
O Lord, is there no aid for the Law

أيا رب هل من نصرة لشريعة

1. O Lord, is there no aid for the Law
That your pure Messenger brought to us?

١. أَيَا رَبِّ هَلْ مِنْ نُصْرَةٍ لشَرِيعَةٍ
أَتانَا بِها عَنْكَ الرَّسولُ المطَهَّرُ

2. It has become a plaything passed between a people who jest
With it and with him who calls to it and commands it.

٢. غَدَتْ لُعْبَةً ما بَيْنَ قَوْمٍ تَضاحَكوا
بِها وبِمَن يَدْعُو إليْها ويَأْمُرُ

3. They rally to aid the strong, all of them,
Against the weak a fire is kindled and blazes.

٣. يَقُومُونَ في نَصْرِ الْقَوِيِّ فكُلُّهُمْ
لَهُ وَعَلَى ذِي الضَّعْفِ نارٌ تُسَعَّرُ

4. If they are defeated they do not betray a pledge,
But if they are victorious, treacherously they betray.

٤. إذَا غُلِبوا لا يَغْدرونَ بذِمَّةٍ
وإن غَلَبُوا يَؤْماً فبالغَدْر يَغْدُروا

5. If they have power they go astray, over every virtuous man,
And if he has a right, they deny his right.

٥. وإن قَدَرُوا تاهُوا عَلَى كُلِّ فاضِلٍ
وإنْ كانَ ذُو حَقٍّ فلِلحَقِّ يُنكروا

6. O Lord, do not give them respite from punishment,
For if You give them respite today, they transgress.

٦. أيا رَبِّ لا تُمْهِلْهُمُ منْ عُقُوبَةٍ
فإنَّكَ إنْ تُمْهِلْهُمُ الْيَوْمَ يَبْطَروا

7. They have begun to demolish the Law of Ahmad,
While You, O Lord, protect it and bring it victory.

٧. فَقَدْ شَرعُوا في هَدْمِ شِرْعَةِ أحْمَدٍ
وأنْتَ لَها يا رَبِّ تَحْمِي وتنْصُرُ