
The peerless one of the age in perfections and manners

واحد العصر في الكمالات

1. The peerless one of the age in perfections and manners
Who surpassed Su‘dā and outshone Najābah

١. واحِدُ العَصْرِ في الكَمَالاَتِ والآ
دَابِ مَنْ فاقَ سُؤْدَداً ونَجابَهْ

2. The eminent chief, the unrivaled horseman,
And Khiḍr of speech, most eloquent in his address

٢. الرئيسُ النَّفِيسُ والفارِسُ الس
باقُ والخِضْرِمُ الشَّهِيُّ خَطابَهْ

3. O censurer of time! O transcender of epochs
In forbearance, wisdom, and awe-inspiring manner

٣. يا قَريعَ الزَّمانِ يا فائِقَ الأَقْ
رانِ حِلماً وحِكَمة وَمَهابَهْ

4. You have perpetuated the glories of honor as long as
Your sublime aspirations remain lofty and grand

٤. دُمْتَ تَحْيي مآثِرَ العِزِّ ما دَا
مَتْ مَعالِيكَ لِلْعُلى وَهّابَهْ

5. You gathered what was scattered among the people
So remain unharmed, adept in the art of literary composition

٥. قدْ جَمَعْتَ الذي تفرَّقَ في النّا
سِ فَدُمْ سالماً لفنِّ الكتابَهْ