
How can he hope for triumph and grace after

وكيف يرجي الفتح والمنح بعدما

1. How can he hope for triumph and grace after
He has been corrupted by the world to the crown of his head?

١. وكَيْفَ يُرْجِّي الفَتْحَ والْمَنْحَ بَعْدَما
تَلَوَّثَ بالدُّنيا إلى قِمّةِ الرّاسِ

2. No doubt that God forgives sins,
But for those returning to Him from mankind.

٢. ولا شَكّ أَنّ اللهَ للذّنْبِ غافِرٌ
ولكنْ لِرَجّاعٍ إليْه منَ النّاسِ