
A man's son does not mind if his father

ولد المرء لا يبالي إذا ما

1. A man's son does not mind if his father
Reproaches him bitterly,

١. وَلَدُ الْمَرْءُ لا يُبالي إذَا مَا
نالَهُ مِنْ أَبيهِ مُرُّ عِتابِ

2. For doubtless he only said what he said
With intent to guide, not punish.

٢. فَهُوَ لا شك إنَّما قَالَ ما قَا
لَ بقَصْدِ الإرْشادِ لا الإتْعابِ

3. A noble man rejoices only when
He sees his son among the virtuous,

٣. إنّما يَفْرَحُ النَّجِيبُ إذا ما
شاهَدَ الإبْنَ في عدادِ النّجابِ

4. And if he strays from the path of right,
He swiftly guides him back to virtue.

٤. وإذَا زَاغَ عَنْ طَرِيقِ صَوَابٍ
رَدَّهُ مُسْرِعاً طَرِيقَ الصَّوابِ

5. A man's sons are closer to him
In virtues than in lineage.

٥. وبَنُوا الْمرءِ في المعارِفِ أَوْلى
مِنْ بَنِيهِ في لُحْمَةِ الأنْسابِ