
A white, brilliant, radiant one

خود رداح ربحله

1. A white, brilliant, radiant one
A shapely, plump, pretty one

١. خَوْدٌ رَدَاحٌ رِبَحَلَهْ
شَمّاء جَمّا سِبَحْلهْ

2. Delicate and gentle
Naive and innocent

٢. عُطْبُولَةٌ وَهْنَانهْ
هَرْكُولَةٌ بَهْنَانَهْ

3. A melodious, singing nightingale
A fresh, fragrant flower

٣. غَيْداءُ جَيْدَا عَبْقَرهْ
سَعْطاءُ فَرْعَا عَبْهَرَهْ

4. Soft and plump
With a slender, delicate nose

٤. ناعِمَةٌ رَشُوفُ
نَافِرَةٌ أَنُوفُ

5. Pure white like marble
Unique and matchless

٥. مرمارةٌ رَصُوفُ
وَبَضَّةٌ ألوفُ

6. Pretty with kohl-rimmed eyes
Adorned with jewelry

٦. بَهْكَنَةٌ مَمْكُوره
مَمْشُوقَةٌ مَخْصُورَه

7. A happy, cheerful giggle
And graceful poise

٧. غانِيَةٌ رَقْرْاقَهْ
وقَتَنٌ رَشَاقهْ

8. Bashful yet alluring
Shy and enchanting

٨. مُبتَّلة خُدْلُّجه
مُرْتَجَّةٌ مُدَمّجَهْ

9. A glowing candle's flame
Passionate and full of longing

٩. خفرة شموعُ
خَريدَةُ وَلُوعُ

10. A coquettish, flirtatious charmer
Sweet and harmless

١٠. فَتَّانَةٌ بَرَهْرَهَهْ
خَلِيمَةٌ لا وَرِهَهْ

11. Tender and gentle
Playful and mischievous

١١. رَخيمَةٌ عَرُوبُ
وَبَرْزَةٌ لَعُوبُ

12. A rosy, red-cheeked beauty
Fair-skinned with kohl-darkened eyes

١٢. شَمْسَاءُ رَدْمَاءُ نَجلا
خَمْصَاءُ بَيْضاء كَحْلا

13. Slumbering, sleepy-eyed
Curling, tossing hair

١٣. ناهِدَةٌ لَفّاءُ
وغَصَّةٌ وَطْفاءُ

14. Seductive with downcast eyes
In arched, shapely eyebrows

١٤. لَعْساءُ لَمْياءُ دَعْجا
في حاجِبٍ أَزَجّا