
Reconsider the decisive scripture, for within it

أعد نظرا في محكم الذكر إنه

1. Reconsider the decisive scripture, for within it
Is repeated that by which comes revelation and resolution.

١. أعِدْ نَظَراً في مُحْكَمِ الذّكْرِ إنَّهُ
يُكَرَّرُ فيه ما بِهِ الكَشْفُ والحَلُّ

2. Indeed, within it is the forgiveness of all sins,
If they be not polytheism - and that is the whole.

٢. أَما فِيه غُفْرانُ الذُّنوبِ جَميعِها
إذَا لَمْ يكُنْ شِرْكاً وذَاكَ هُوَ القُلُّ

3. And He has said, regarding those pardoned, in His word "Do you not love" -
So understand the secret of this you recite.

٣. وَقَدْ قالَ في العافِينَ في قوله ألاَ
تُحِبُّونَ فافْهَمْ سِرَّ هَذا الذي تَتْلو

4. And how many a verse has come with this, and tradition -
And in some of it is part, and in some all.

٤. وَكَمْ آيةٍ جاءَتْ بِهَذَا وسُنَّةٍ
وفي بَعْضِها من ذلك البَعْضُ والكُلُّ

5. So if this is from an aware one's ignorance,
Then so be it, but if not, then it is ignorance itself.

٥. فإنْ كانَ هذا مِنْ تجاهُلِ عَارِفٍ
فَذَاكَ وإلاّ فهو في نَفسِهِ الجَهْلُ