
O people of Sanaa, though our loved ones are there

يا أهل صنعا وإن كانت أحبتنا

1. O people of Sanaa, though our loved ones are there
The chosen Imam is among us

١. يا أَهْلَ صَنْعا وإنْ كانَتْ أحِبَّتُنا
فِيها فإنَّ الإمامَ الْمُرْتَجَى فِينا

2. The head is among us, and the head of something is its noblest part
With us has become your shepherd and ours

٢. الرَّأْسُ فِينا ورَأْسُ الشَّيْءِ أَشْرَفُهُ
وعِنْدَنا صارَ راعِيكُمْ ورَاعِينا