
By your life, I have not wronged a soul

لعمرك ما جانبت في الحق لي رهطا

1. By your life, I have not wronged a soul
Nor come to my people stubborn or quarrelsome

١. لَعَمْرُكَ ما جانَبْتُ في الحَقِّ لي رَهْطا
ولا جِئْتُ من قَوْمي لَجاجاً ولالَغْطا

2. Neither has my disposition inclined towards an envious guide
Nor have my nature's whims pulled me to crooked paths

٢. ولا عَطَفَتْ عِطْفي وَقائِدُ حاسِدٍ
ولا جَذَبَتْ طَبْعي أَضالِيلُهُ قطّا

3. When the tongues of reproach attempt to detour me from guidance
I do not carry grudges in the palms of my hands

٣. إذا مَاثَنَتْنِي أَلْسُنُ العَذْلِ عَنْ هُدىً
فَلاَ حَمَلَتْ كَفِّي رَوَاقِميَ الرَّقْطَا

4. I stand firmly with the stance of the Almighty
To Him it's all the same whether distant or intimately close

٤. وثَبْتُ على اسْمِ وَثْبَةَ قادِرٍ
سَواءٌ لَدَيْهِ ما تَدانَى وما شَطّا

5. And I cast off the necklace hastily
When a man has shackled me tight

٥. وأَلْقَيْتُ عَنْ عُنْقي القِلادَةَ مُسْرِعاً
إذا ما امْرُؤٌ قَدْ أَوْثَقَ الشَّدَّ والرَّبْطا

6. I freed myself and made effort and did not say
According to so-and-so’s words, whether right or wrong

٦. وحَرَّرْتُ رِقِّي واجْتَهَدْتُ ولم أَقُلْ
بِقَوْلِ فُلانٍ إنْ أَصابَ وإنْ أَخْطا

7. I did not fear in this conduct the blame of fault-finders
Who kindle rage and bare their anger

٧. وما خِفْتُ في ذا الصُّنْعِ لَوْمَةَ لائِمٍ
تَلَهّبَ غَيْظاً واسْتَشاطَ لَهُ سُخْطا

8. And I do not fear the masses if they do not approve
When they deviate from that path or slip

٨. ولَسْتُ أَهَابُ الجَمْعَ ما لَمْ يَصِحَّ لا
إذا شَذَّ عَنْ تِلْكَ الطَّريقَةِ أو شطّا

9. And they said he indulged in youth, you spoke true
He indulged in the cups of knowledge purely and sincerely

٩. وَقَالوا تَعاطَى في الشَّبابِ صَدّقْتُمُ
تَعاطَى كُؤوسَ العِلْمِ صِرْفاً وإسْفِنْطا

10. Ask the instruments about me in detail, for they
When asked, cannot conceal anything about him

١٠. سَلُوا عَنِّيَ الآلاتِ طُرّاً فإنَّها
إذا سُئِلَتْ لا تَسْتَطيعُ لَهُ غَمْطا

11. Ask the two origins, those who traversed their depths
And ask about my knowledge of philosophy, ask in detail

١١. سَلُوا عَنِّيَ الأَصْلَيْنِ مَنْ خاضَ غَمْرَها
وعَنْ عِلْمِ رَسْطاليس عَنِّي سَلُوا رَسْطا

12. Ask about me the interpretation and Sunnah by which
My worth became lowered among my people

١٢. سَلُوا عَنِّيَ التَّفْسيرَ والسُّنَّةَ التي
بِها صارَ قَدْري عِنْدَ قَوْمِيَ مُنْحَطّا