
Dukhnus was astonished when she saw me

عجبت دختنوس لما رأَتني

1. Dukhnus was astonished when she saw me
With the grayness of old age overwhelming me

١. عجبت دختنوس لما رأَتني
قد عَلاني من المشيب خمارُ

2. She cried out with her voice and bleated
Do not hesitate, my freshness has grown gray

٢. فأَهلت بصوتها وأَرنت
لا تهابى قد شاب مني العذارُ

3. If you see that the eve of my youth has passed
And my lifetime is less than my date of birth

٣. إِن تريني قد بان غرب شبابي
وأَنى دون مولدي أَعمارُ

4. A two year old and a fifty year old man
Oh time, it surely has eras

٤. ابن عامين وابن خمسين عاماً
أَي دَهرٍ أَلا له أَدهارُ

5. Would that she had called me by her pet name for me
The day she said, do not throw off restraint

٥. ليت يسمى لها وجوبتها لي
يوم قالَت أَلا ترمَّ تغارُ

6. Would that we had died before that day
Or done what free men do

٦. ليتنا قبل ذلك اليوم متنا
أَو فعلنا ما يفعلُ الاحرارُ

7. The deeds of a people song now ignores
I did not fight though the weak fought

٧. فعل قوم تغانى الحين عنهم
لم اقاتل وقاتل العيزارُ

8. So I turned away from them and they were vanquished
While my holding back from them was dishonor and shame

٨. فتوليت عنهم واصيبوا
وَبَقائي عنهم شنار وعارُ

9. My soul yearns for the youth of Quraysh
When the Chosen One comes to them with his message

٩. لهف نَفسي على شباب قريش
حين يأَتي برأسه المختارُ