1. I have moved away from you all to my house without my family
My sincere love and promise are still the same as they were
١. بَعدتُ عنكم بدارِى دونَ خالصتي
ومحَضُ ودِّي وعهدِى كالّذي كانا
2. I have not changed since I left your vicinity
Except for worries and sorrows I suffer
٢. وما تبدّلتُ مذُ فارقتُ قُربَكُمُ
إِلاَّ هُموماً أُعانيها وأحزانا
3. Does anyone really enjoy living in his house
When his loved ones are not his neighbors
٣. وهل يُسرُّ بِسكُنَى دارهِ أَحَدٌ
وليسَ أَحبابُهُ لِلدارِ جيرانا