1. There remaineth not, alas for you! aught else but to meet it,
And the fierce flames of war coming fast to greet it.
١. لَم يَبقَ يا وَيحَكُم إِلّا تَلاقيها
وَمُسعَرُ الحَربِ لاقيها وَآتيها
2. Hope not, after this, the people of Mudar will spare you,
From henceforth leave it them, and leave its allies.
٢. لا تَطمَعوا بَعدَها في قَومِكُم مُضَرٍ
مِن بَعدِ هَذا فَوَلّوها مَواليها
3. Whoso then of you remains in life, to him shall be
The foulness of life, how long soever the nights thereof.
٣. فَمَن بَقِي مِنكُمُ في هَذِهِ فَلَهُ
فَخرُ الحَياةِ وَإِن طالَت لَياليها
4. And whoso is slain, dies guiltless, and 'twill be his due
To have goodly praise made, what time they talk of it.
٤. وَمَن يَمُت ماتَ مَعذوراً وَكانَ لَهُ
حُسنُ الثَناءِ مُقيماً إِذا ثَوى فيها
5. If now ye leave to war a pasture, O men of Mudar,
Then war shall meet with you, even as erst ye did meet it.
٥. إِن تَترُكوا وائِلاً لِلحَربِ يا مُضَرٌ
فَسَوفَ يَلقاكُمُ ما كانَ لاقيها
6. O thou that ridest a swift beast, winding thy way at thine ease through the land,
Now sorrowing for the land, and now through its desert parts,
٦. يا أَيُّها الراكِبُ المُجتازُ تَرفُلُ في
حَزنِ البِلادِ وَطَوراً في صَحاريها
7. Give thou news of us to the house of the Persians, when the morrow thou shalt come to them,
On the day when thou comest in sight of Kehlaan's tribesmen.
٧. أَبلِغ بَني الفُرسِ عَنّا حينَ تَبلُغُهُم
وَحَيَّ كَهلاانَ أَنَّ الجُندَ عافيها
8. Natheless, needs must my people mount up on high, though hard be
The rugged steep whereon they climb, spite of its ruggedness.
٨. لابُدَّ قَومِيَ أَن تَرقى وَقَد جَهَدَت
صَعبَ المَراقي بِما تَأبى مَراقيها
9. But the tribe of Eeyaad-they have made it smooth by gifts bestowed
On a part of them, whilst as for the rest they have smoothed them.
٩. أَمّا إِيادٌ فَقَد جاءَت بِها بِدَعاً
في ما جَنى البَعضُ إِذما البَعضُ راضيها