
If you march against us, spurring on your steeds,

فإن تسيروا إلينا ترفدوا عجلاً

1. If you march against us, spurring on your steeds,
We'll hover over you, striking relentless blows.

١. فَإِن تَسيروا إِلَينا تَرفِدوا عَجَلاً
ضَرباً يَظَلُّ عَلى هاماتِكُم يَقِدُ

2. Yet if you choose to stand your ground, we'll come for you,
O clan of my uncle, with our bare and bridled horses.

٢. وَإِن وَقَفتُم فَإِنّا سائِرونَ لَكُم
يا آلَ خالي بِجُردِ الخَيلِ تَنجَرِدُ